A very small post, but I thought it needed to be said.
So everyone knows that no one uses precision charges in 3.x, because of how situational they are, but I think we can make it viable in UII.
Now it’s important to note that I think buildings in UII should have modular damage. So instead of blasting at any part of the wall, like we do in 3.x, and destroying the wall, you will have to target specific parts of a wall to blast it open.
For starters we should make it deal more damage, but still keep it’s AoE very small. This presents opportunities to blow open holes in walls or roofs to possibly shoot sentries or players. However, it should not be big enough that players can get through, that would make the regular breaching charge almost pointless.
Concerning the modular damage, suppose a player wants to breach a wall with only percision charges, they would have to be lined around the wall to create an entrance. (Something similar to this)
How about regular charges blast a large area, but do little damage, good to place around the base of a building, multiple though, Preston charges blow holes in a smaller AoE but do much more damage, good to be placed on one tough thing, like a heavy armoured wall in a base, which would take many of the other charges. I think aswell low tier raiding should have some weak charges that only affect wood walls, stone or metal walls would need better charges, but even then the low tier charges would be weak as, only good for small raids, otherwise you would be at a loss.
I’m not too sure about weaker charges though, I think raiding gear should really only be end game gear; also considering how easy it is to make charges in 3.x now, charges should be a lot harder to make.
I think that could be cool, aswell I think there should be more interaction with windows/doors when exploded. Like wooden doors maybe could have holes Idk that could be too much but it could be cool. Or maybe just specific barricades have holes in them.
I saw a base design a while ago which had wooden stairs that would blow due to large AOE
The area was claim flagged so you couldn’t build up to get inside after you blew the stairs.
These kinds of rare cases in my opinion justify a different charge type
That is a rare exception, and it is also possible to use a heli to get in from above.
I don’t want the precision charge to be too specific then otherwise people would never use it, but making it so that it has more practical applicability outside of that very specific scenario would hopefully make it a viable alternative to the regular breaching charge.
yes very, cool, although this is kinda dramatic remotely controlled things would be nice to have in unturned II. not just explosives but like RC cars lol i mean thats a little extra but idk just not everything has to be direct.
perhaps you could use charges like that to destroy pillars/supports of bases, which would send the above floor crashing down and the crates/lockers/furniture breaks.
Precision charges in real life (I think) are shaped charges, they also have less explosive than a demolition charge.
I’m also quite certain you could break a wooden or metal door’s lock with just 5g of TNT shaped using water.
This is a bit irrelevant but I thought it was worthy of mention.
That being said: I think that ‘precision charges’ should have the upside of being cheaper than a demolition charge.
And of course, you wouldn’t get through a door placing a 5g TNT shaped charge on the middle of the door, would you? And certainly, you aren’t getting through a wall with it either, but you could make a good hole to shoot through depending on what kind of wall it is.
So yes to modular damage, yes to the small AoE.
This may not matter if you’re using this kind of breaching charge:
Well, I believe that focusing on the little things adds depth and immersion; while the larger items add gameplay.
Think of the cars, while it is certainly a huge improvement to have better physics, it is also really nice to have turning signals and pedal animations. While they are not as important as the vehicle physics, they certainly add immersion and depth to gameplay.