Preview of Server List Changes in Next Unturned Update

OK it took me like 2h doing this

Filters/Preset buttons (a re-do of the new UI)

Ok I need you to take in mind first this picture, which includes all the new default presets, a custom preset, filters showed and all columns enabled:

Don’t you think it looks satured of A LOT of info/things? But also it have those little small buttons looking like a lot of things is just a small place

Well, here’s my redo:

Everything on this image makes sense, keeps the concept of the old and new UI, and I will tell you why: the current way all the default presets, custom presets and filters are presented in the same place feels frustrating and even for me, that I have +6k hours of game, everything looks SO confusing for me, so I don’t think how it will look for a new player

  • Presets

    • Since all the default preset are always used, there was no need to make them hiddeable, instead they should keep being shown but instead make the custom ones be hiddeable. As you can see at left, there are the well know default presets buttons, but now with the new button Custom Presets, which you can click to drop a new button called Create Custom Preset, and if you click on it it will show the new preset creation screen. Then when you finally add it, it will be shown above the Create New Preset button. You can click the Custom Presets buttons any time to show or hidde them. With this, the default presets wouldn’t need anymore the word “Default” which were added on this preview branch
  • Server list

    • As you can see at center/right with the server list, we all know that all of that space has been always a waste of space, now it isn’t. With the preset buttons at left + all the new icons at right finally it feels like the space is not wasted anymore
  • Filters

    • As you can see at bottom, there you have all the filters which can also be shown/hidden by clicking on the Filters button at left. Now, since you can refresh the server list by just clicking on the preset name you want to refresh, you don’t actually need always a Refresh button being show, instead when you want to refresh the server list is when you change something in the filters, so thats why the Refresh button is being shown at right bottom, so if you make a change in your filters you’ll have the Refresh button close to what are you doing.

    • On the filters, for example instead of saying “Any Cheats” or “PVP”, would be better to state those as “Cheats: Any | Cheats: No| Cheats: Yes” or “Combat: PvP | Combat: PvE | Combat: Any”, with this way those all filter buttons won’t feel so empty but also will be more specific of what they do.

    • Also, I didn’t understood why there was a filter button with a Preset title, that seems so unnecesary so I deleted it and added the Refresh button instead, so if you want to show servers from a preset, just click on their preset name, but then if you want to change something on the filter, instead of creating a new preset just change it on the filters at bottom and click on Refresh button so it will show servers based on the preset you clicked but also with the specified filter you changed. Of course every time a preset is clicked, the filters at bottom will change based on the preset settings

  • Hosting

    • Also Hosting button stays close to the Back button since it is not important at all to be looking at it always

Average user look

Most average player will have their look like this: the map, ping, players, with a non-end space list to show all servers. You can show/hide the custom presets and filters anytime as you need