If you mix all types of spray paint, you will get rainbow paint (shimmering like on a hatchback)
I would be interested to see this. If we could get support for specifying a path to a specific material rather than only color that would be nice, that way we can use different shaders if need be.
nelsons said that materials will come later for spray paints, the original goal of spraypaints was to consolidate vehicles, and hex codes are good enough for now.
(from discussion about preview branch and fixing spine stuff)
itll happen but, sometime down the line.
Rainbow tank
Good Idea Bviz
I also wanted to propose this idea but it’s too late
A good reminder that while the Rainbow Hatchback was the first plane (used during development), a hatchback offroader was also used while testing tanks / vehicular turrets.
WRONG it was the orange offroader
Looks good
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