Hey guys, I was wondering when Nelson said Unturned 4 beta testing would begin approximately (reasons why i asked this include some game features being broken and because of Nelson being close to done with Pineridge)
Pineridge will be a samall test map, don’t expect a survival map that you can play as 3.x for now. It’s a beta test, for now, it won’t replace 3.x
Pineridge is gonna be a different map which will be available upon full release, as for the beta build, it will have its own map which will have all items available so we can test them out, hence the name.
And idk what the Honeybadger has to do with Unturned 4’s beta build
And as for the release date , no one knows when will it be exactly
OP mentioned the PDW when listing things broken in Unturned 3, so it wasn’t actually meant to be relevant to the release date of 4 (just an example of one of the things that made him curious and ask the question).
The post is about 4.x’s release date
So his addition to the broken Honeybadger in 3.x was a bit irrelevant from the way I saw it
It keeps getting pushed back due to new things and polishing that pops up, but it’s wanted to be available in the coming weeks/couple of months.
Some things that still need to be done for the beta launch:
- Finish map.
- Create zombies and navigation.
- Create a simple horde mode.
- Finish updating to Unreal Engine 4.19.
- Virtual cursor and other controller-related QoL.
- Make sure all surfaces have unique sounds and surface decals.
- Polish everything.
- Double-check quality control.
- Work with Epic Games to get modding tools out for the beta launch.
- An updated trello page regarding stuff still needed to be done, stuff soon after the beta launch, and stuff for the following months.
- Add a main menu with map selection.
And then some things that may be less likely for the beta launch:
- Possibly finish adding a pain flinch & flash to first-person.
- Possibly add a second item of each item type, or new textile/reticle variation, for the aesthetic reasons of everyone not looking the same.
- Possibly rebalance all current content.
- Possibly further develop administrative tools and server utilities.
- Possibly finish dual-wielding.
- Possibly work on more documentation for modding.
- Muzzle smoke trails.
All he was doing was explaining why he was asking (“Unturned 3 is broken” and “Nelson is close to finishing Pineridge”) in case people were curious as to why he wanted to know. It’s just giving us insight into his thought process behind asking.
Alright. Makes sense
I know but i meant it as like Unturned 4 map will be Pineridge and that when Nelson releases it for beta testing, it will be the only current map to be played until nelson makes another/transfers the other vanilla ones on Unturned 3
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