Removal of Military Drum Magazines

drums on this game are op because of how the game works etc.which makes them have alot of benefits but this is just my view

Also drums should have a higher chance of jamming besides slower reload.

Jamming isn’t a feature in the game :thinking:

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could be good

the dragonfang are already viable, if not good in some situations. I’m going to presume that you mean both military and ranger drums, because that doesn’t make sense to only remove one. I think removing them is a terrible idea however mabye they could have some drawbacks, such as a slower ads, heavier etc (particularly in UII i guess).

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I wish it was, it could solve many a problem

It actually is though, it’s just not enabled for any guns and is only for mods. Haven’t seen any using it though.

Yea i remember there was a config that added this feature in a patch notes.

Removing drum mags would make literally no difference. Drum mags themselves are redundant in the fact that the time to kill with most weapons, especially the ARs that the drums are made for, is so ridiculously low. A maplestrike can drop any player regardless of armor with three headshots for example. Actually having to reload those standard 30 round mags during firefights is rare enough. Only in an extended sloppy pvp engagement would you even see the advantage of having a drum mag.

Removing them is not going to make ARs less op as the advantages they bring aren’t actually too significant.

If you really want to bring ARs down a peg, target the vertical grip and military barrel. If anything, they have the most profound effects on preformance of ARs.


i agree with most of the post but the military barrel doesn’t really have an affect on pvp in my opinion, AR’s are still extremely accurate and tbh the mili barrel is kinda redundant.

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This is more or less the point. Yes you’ll be able to kill them if you get the jump on the person, but the gun itself is much less forgiving if you miss those shots. You have to calculate whether you’ll be able to kill him from 200m away before he can heal or shoot back etc.

In survival servers sure you rarely have drums, but in overall pvp, I go through military drums like you wouldn’t imagine. IDK what you do.

But an overall interesting thing would be a Maplestrike Nerf. Making other, more balance assault rifles be able to come into play.

The issue is with you suggestion, more guns than the assault rifles use military barrels and vertical grips. This would Nerf every gun and not just the most overpowered ones, and BTW barrels are the worst barrel attachment in the game. Dunno why you’re using it.

I’d consider the Maplestrike more balanced than Arms Shipment assault rifles, tbh. If you’re ging to nerf the Maplestrike, you may as well rebalance all the assault rifles.


The barrels certainly do have an effect on PvP from my experience. They make hipfire nearly as accurate as ADS on most guns, and for third person users, provide a more concise reticle to aim with.

However, you are also correct in that ARs and virtually every gun in the game is also laser accurate with ADS, barring recoil patterns.

While the Maplestrike is a well rounded and easy to use gun, I do agree with Molton. The Arms Shipment guns, especially the Fusilaut, can certainly perform toe to toe with the Maplestrike (the Fusilaut flat out being the best AR in the game IMO).

Infinite durability is a very appealing trait on top of what I listed above.

The hipfire thing is true, but i dont really think that people hipfire enough in most pvp situations to make it significant, certainly not enough that i would consider it one of the first things to nerf

and i didn’t really think that the clustering for third person crosshairs with guns like the maple mattered so much, i mean obviously the more clustering the better but i think that the clustering for most ar’s is already adequate. in saying that i don’t use third person so mabye it matters a lot idk tbh.

hyperventilates in third person hatred

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I would rather a burst gun be the main gun being used then a full auto 100 round Lmg that performs like an assault rifle. There is counter play to a burst gun, not really a full auto one.

And let’s get this down right
In third person, you gun will always shoot in the middle of your screen when you are aimed in, you don’t need reticles to guide you there
With barrels, yes your hip fire will be better but why hip fire when you can aim and still run at the same speed. No disadvantage to ADS in this game.
Also, muzzles reduce your recoil always. No matter the durability. Even on 0% it will still reduce recoil. So I don’t get why people use barrels when recoil is a much better stay to control. Dunno whether this is intentional but still.

Anyway let’s get back to the main discussion.

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Burst and auto are for the inetnts of fighting agains it the same.
Similar ttk and spread.

I mean… this really doesn’t effect me since I kill my pray with my hands…

How silly of you.

The Military Drum is an effective blunt melee weapon that also defeats armor. Try clobbering a lad with it and tell me if you still prefer fists

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Thanks, this really helps

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