Salvaging raided bases

When a base sits raided for a long period of time, people should be able to come and take it apart. If you look at vanilla and pvp servers today, there’s empty destroyed bases everywhere. People should be able to come past and take the walls away, to use for their own base.


Parts that arent attached to the ground in anywhey should fall down and breake, then we wont have thous floting blown up bases in the air


I’d say with the huge backlash against things like skybases in U3, a basic stability system would be a given at this point. It has never been confirmed, but I can guarantee Nelson has at least considered implementing one.

As for salvaging raided bases, I’d say you should get only a small return of the resources on very clearly derelict buildings. This would discourage intentional farming or anything considered exploitable. How the system would actually work in practice though is quite a mystery to me, and the main issue I have with this post.


This is pretty much taken from rust, maybe we should keep skybases? they were pretty balanced, they took a while to make and it was (for the most part) well worth it

it’d be after like, a day. After a day they become salvagable, and people can take the walls/doors.

no, they were op and just pretty weird, floating square bases in the sky

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I agree, raiding shouldn’t just be about getting the loot inside, but also salvaging materials from the base itself.


Skybases are most likly not going to be in the game

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I think I speak for literally everyone here when I say that “skybases” and “balanced” don’t belong in the same sentence. Ever.* If you looked up “broken game mechanics” in the dictionary, the first thing you should find is a picture of a skybase.

*(Except to say “imagine if skybases were actually balanced”)



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