Dear, Nelson or Other Developers
I think that you should add scars which you get from getting shot or stabbed. They would get infected and you would have to take some type of antibiotics to prevent or stop the infection. I think that this will improve the game so that it is more realistic. Also you could cover the scar with clothing to prevent exposure to a virus. The wounds would only be able to get infected if they are fresh and haven’t healed all the way. There could also be a discomfort addition so that when you get uncomfortable you would scratch it if you don’t put some type of oil on it while it is healing. Though getting these infections will be really rare to get.
But the infection part could be possible but worked out differently.
Say, you are still bleeding after a zombie hit you with a powerful strike. You get hit again, and there’s a chance (or a guarantee) that you’ll be infected and very slowly lose immunity over time. If there are multiple stages of wounds (e.g. Major, moderate and minor bleeding), the more serious stage has a higher chance of giving you an infection when hit.
Maybe other diseases too, such as entering bodies of water and while you’re bleeding there’s a chance you’ll contract one which may cause different effects. For example, a disease that drains food and water faster. Eating poor quality food would also give you diseases.
Higher immunity level would lower the chances of getting infections and maybe decelerate the infection effect if contracted.
Though the overall suggestion, like what some of the above said, is simply ‘Realism for the sake of realism’, which is something the dev notes to us when it comes to suggestions. Not only being existing only as an unnecessary nuisance, it is also rather complex with the ‘Discomfort’ mechanic and the oil application part.
The infection part could be possible but worked out differently.
Say, you are still bleeding after a zombie hit you with a powerful strike. You get hit again, and there’s a chance (or a guarantee) that you’ll be infected and very slowly lose immunity over time. If there are multiple stages of wounds (e.g. Major, moderate and minor bleeding), the more serious stage has a higher chance of giving you an infection when hit.
Maybe other diseases too, such as entering bodies of water and while you’re bleeding there’s a chance you’ll contract one which may cause different effects. For example, a disease that drains food and water faster. Eating very poor quality food would also give you diseases.
Higher immunity level would lower the chances of getting infections and maybe decelerate the infection effect if contracted.
Survival games like Unturned should have no permanent effects.
Otherwise people would kill themselves to remove the effects.
They would (in three persay) build bookshelves if they had to to store xp.
And store loot. Then game end and respawn. After the third time they would just give up and play a 10x server.
Even if it’s rare, permanent affects shouldn’t exist. They might be injury’s that take a while to recover. Also scars don’t increase chances of infection.
If it exist only as cosmetic, then sure. But if it’s applied as suggested by OP, then it’ll only be there as a nuisance that serves no purpose at all but just to annoy you. Remember, realism for the sake of realism is bad. Whatever the game.