Seeing triple

Is it just me or am I seeing tripple.

tfw you open youtube

“guys i think im sick, everything is duplicating infinitely”

It’s the peak of human creativety.


i’ve seen worse than this
and lazier

You’re actually seeing quadruple.

Liberal owned

1 Like

Target sighted

Launching Missile…

Kill confirmed


The irony in this is im Australian, and the liberal party is the good one.
The others only help them selves or are comparable to the American liberals.

The only other good party’s are united Australian and one nation.

LOL libtard


It’s better than labortard.
Or green bean.

op is confirmed libtard


Australian Liberal Party good? lol

sir, may we have a quick chat next to that black van?

No, vote united Australia.
Join the parmy army.

vote for pauline hanson everybody

liberal and labor party are corporate assholes, united australia party is run by a corrupt obese man, and one nation is… one nation. you’d have to be a complete retard to actually follow politics here and take any of it seriously (same for america though, unfortunately)

Well, i would only vote united Australia or one nation.

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