Seen world processing

This is a bit complex to do smoothly, imagine having to repeatedly load and unload various world aspects as you look around. Knowing how Unturned is, even with the code overhaul, I’m a bit iffy on the performance effects of this. However, it is true that rendering only a portion of the things nearby will save you a good chunk of FPS and processing.

Also, Horizon: Zero Dawn in particular is not only an AAA-grade game, but also only single-player. A pretty bad comparison to Unturned II imo.

if the 4.0 would be still built on a unity that would be valid statement but ince it is made on a unreal engine is may be easier to programm(comparing to clunkiness of unity)

many games has that kind of rendering. i just remebered that zero down had good example

This is simply incorrect to assume - no matter what game engine you use, you can’t magically make everything optimized just by switching. In reality neither engine is explicitly easier to use either.

Unreal Engine 4 is no exception - if you want an example of this, we all know how poorly optimized PUBG is. Unless you’ve coded a game on UE4 yourself, that statement is simply an assumption about how game engines work.

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im no expert on this kinda thing but i feel it would be really laggy and hard to put into the game

That actually uses more processing, this technique is used to reduce “overcharging” of one hardware componnet (I can’t remember which one), but at the same time, another one (also don’t remeber) is punished. And like some guys already said, with not so good PCs, this would be annoying.

Oh yeah, principally when you use some nodes or resouce that costs a lot of processing power (what is so easy to do if you don’t have experience enough). You need to optimize every single part of your game, the engine don’t do it for you.

compacting everthing i said into changing engine will “magically make everything optimized”. nice
both engines has its good and bad sides but going to unreal is step forward
also if you want to argure which is better unity or unreal? Suggestion: Stay on Unity - #63 by JacobSinclair please enjoy your stay
i don’t know much about game development but judging from my experince of unturned and it’s render way it will be better to hide things you don’t see rather then make a buble filled with everthing seen and unseen and especially with heavy emphasis on optimisation.

so you mean a constant rendering around player is more optimised then partial rendering what is seen, care to explain how.
constant rendering around player would be a good choice for a 360 monitor holder but nothing more.

Seen world processing makes it harder for computers to keep track of what it should and shouldn’t be rendering, but easier to render all the things it needs to render. This is good if the computer is struggling to render what it needs to render, but creates extra work for the parts of the computer telling it what to render.

Optimization =/= FPS
Yes, you would have more FPS, but you would be pleased with objects popping up in your screen.
This is the same problem that GTA San Andreas and other older games had, but instead of objects popping up when you go so fast in a car, it would appear when you turn the screen. Again, this would happen in bad PCs.
You can say it is optimizated when you don’t lose something crucial for FPS.

Unturned actually already does that! :slight_smile:
This is called frustum culling and is pretty standard for modern game engines.


3.0, 4.0 or both?
and good luck with development.

I’d assume since he didn’t specify, both.

proceeds to spastically swivel head 180 degrees to either side in an attempt to spot this effect
sees absolutely nothing out of the ordinary


Even minecraft uses this method

does occlusion culling also present? in 3.0? in 4.0?

Minecraft loads its assets and maps in chunks, which stay rendered as long as they’re within your chunk rendering distance

You can watch it render when you switch perspectives from what I remember.

Pretty sure that’s the game “refreshing”, though i don’t know why and not sure if it even is what i described, but i am sure that it’s rendered in chunks and never personally seen stuff being rendered when i move my camera, with the exception of the few moments i enter a game, when the chunks are still loading in for the first time. Switching to third person isn’t really moving your camera around, it’s just moving it in a third person position, which i think is why you see that “refresh” thing, might be the game re-adjusting to the camera or something ? I don’t know, haven’t played Minecraft in years.

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