Server Browser Overhaul

Yes! That was my thought aswell!


Quite reasonable suggestions.

Part of the intention with Gold servers was that they provide additional friction against cheaters, in that a free-to-play cheater cannot join a server with the Gold requirement.

One note: if map icons are used on the server list screen there would likely be a lot of empty slots from maps the client doesn’t have installed. e.g., even a modified version of PEI.


Possibly there could be a replacement map image for when you don’t have the map installed yet? I do think that map images just make it look much more user friendly.

Separating full Vanilla from modded would actually be huge for the vanilla scene.

Maybe a bit off topic but I would also like to mention how confusing the “Cheats Enabled/Disabled” is to pretty much everyone but server owners - at least the newer players. People just set it to disabled thinking its some sort of anti-cheat.


lock free drops behind gold


Nelson about to become a billionaire


Currently the gold servers don’t seem to be very popular (there’s a total of two servers), perhaps if they were highlighted on the server list with a golden frame or something of that sort where they stick out to the player that would make more sense, closing them behind their own category is probably playing a part in them falling off in popularity.


The last time I’ve heard of a gold server was like when Robokast was hosting a Semi-RP server.

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I don’t think it’s wise to add a ping display to the server page. I think I can use “whether to add mods or plugins” or “whether to enable pvp”

Sorry for my lang but What the fuck i use matchmaking/lobby

My Ideas are as follows

  • Change “I mean Rename Lobby” Lobby to Join with Friends.
  • Change Cheats to Cmds short for commands.
  • update the tutorial add anything that is missing. Sorry I know this is off topic
  • add a better search bar.
  • make it so we can customize the main menu background.
  • if I think of anymore ill updated this post Etc.

Just to realize your ‘vision’ a bit more and adjust on a couple of things:-

1- There is still a lot of wasted space in the middle that can be used for other things like displaying player perspective, PvP, Anti-Cheats.

2- The current perspective symbols are too massive and should be a bit smaller (alongside any other symbols to take up space)

3- PvP and PvE settings should always force one or the other on so that servers actually appear in search as opposed to a check-mark or toggle which can both be turned off.

4- Since most curated maps and most workshop maps don’t have CS style logos or have inaccessible icons, a fallback can be created of a generic blueprint pattern.

This generally goes hand in hand with what I’ve been saying for months/years; the game needs a UI overhaul. There is so much wasted space, yet everything feels crowded.

Edit: Forgot to include the ‘map logos’ I hastily made. The general idea for them is there but some of them could be improved.

P.E.I. Logo

Yukon Logo

Washington Logo

Russia Logo

Germany Logo


This looks sick, well done!


It would still be nice to have some of the more detailed/advanced server filters though, so a dropdown or separate space for that would be nice. Especially when it comes to slot availability and anti-cheat settings.

add a setting to filter out servers you are banned in as well (and icon that indicates that you are banned on that server for when you don’t filter them out)

CS-styled logos look amazing.


[proffesional edit on paint] The “Play” button should look something like this:

  • No “Lobby” button
  • No “Matchmaking” button
  • The “Servers” button should be renamed to “Multiplayer” and should have something like 3 players instead of a plug thing
  • The “Tutorial” button should be moved to the bottom

now wait for me for the multiplayer one because it will take time


Tutorial on top and highlighted and updated with important info (such as how wood items are unlocked), but once finished moved to the bottom and normal colours

edit: maybe even add something that says “finnish to get a free cosmetic!” or whatever (since thats true to)
I have seen so many people join severs and build big cool bases but all wood everything and they just get everything stolen and then they never come back after that. and its really not there fault as the game really never tells you “oh wood stuff don’t lock”


Agreed, I think the tutorial really needs a rework. While it does teach basic game mechanics, it doesn’t really teach fighting zombies and skips over many important mechanics like immunity and bleeding.

While immunity is important to know, I think bleeding is the worst for players not to know, as the tutorial tells players nothing about salvaging clothes and making rags > bandages > dressings for healing, and there is no way at all for new players to learn that. IMO that is the most severe issue for new players, based on causes of deaths, and should be prioritized over all else.


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