Started up my old servers for the first time in a while (after updating the files), and it instantly crashes.
Here’s the script it’s running (I don’t think this is affecting it because the same thing happened when I used the shortcut to Unturned.exe instead):
ECHO [%time%] Unturned started.
Unturned.exe -logFile “Servers%INSTANCENAME%\Rocket\Unturned.log” -nographics -batchmode -silent-crashes +secureserver/%INSTANCENAME%
ECHO [%time%] WARNING: Unturned closed or crashed, restarting.
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
GOTO unturned
The files that the error message refers to:
Please upload your crash logs.
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Where would this log be located?
Usually it generates a special crash folder inside the Unturned folder.
If its not there, remove “-silent-crashes” option from your .bat and also post your Servers\server\Rocket\Unturned.log file as well please.
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I removed -silent-crashes and it is still not generating either of those files.
Can you replace -logFile “Servers%INSTANCENAME%\Rocket\Unturned.log”
with -logfile “Servers\%INSTANCENAME%\Rocket\Unturned.log”
(notice the lowercase -logfile and the additional \)?
This should generate it, hopefully.
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This forum replaces normal quotes with some other type of them. You should use the normal quotes by inserting them manually.
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It still won’t generate any of those
It repeats trying to start up until it crashes every time
Did check if its using the correct quotes character?
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I didn’t change any of the quotes, just fixed the / and the logfile
Can you post your full startup script to
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Also, do you have any workshop mods installed?
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No mods,
I’m using another batch file to start start.bat,
it has in it
start.bat Russia
Can you try starting a fresh server with a command like this?
start Unturned.exe -nographics -batchmode -logfile game.log +secureserver/testserver
Does this generate any “game.log” inside the Unturned folder?
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I put that in a batch file right next to Unturned.exe and it started up like a normal server would. It created game.txt
In that case I think the issue was either the bat you used or your previous server configuration.
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Do you know of a script I could still use so that the server will start back up if it crashes or shuts down?
ECHO [%time%] Unturned started.
Unturned.exe -nographics -batchmode -logfile game.log +secureserver/myserver
ECHO [%time%] WARNING: Unturned closed or crashed, restarting.
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
GOTO unturned
You could use something like this. Just replace “myserver” with your server instance.
Thank you. Is there a way to remove the terminate batch job prompt after the server closes?
My batch knowledge is limited. I just based this off of the script you provided.
Also maybe remove the “-logfile game.log” part again as this will likely cause issues when you run multiple instances from the same Unturned folder at the same time.
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