Should we need anti air?

In such a scenario all the materials we have produced would be ripe for the taking. If someone wants to invest the time, effort, and resources to get a plane, helicopter, tank, autocannon, minigun, or guided missle launchers, then good for them, the materiel needed to keep those things running would be relatively rare, and often converted to more utilitarian resources, but for those willing to put the effort in it shouldn’t be impossible.

Yeah - So for the opening days post-apocalypes it will be a free for all. We’ll chew through the bullets and each other before the fuel goes bland. It’s questionable enough of us would survive for the species to be viable. For the sake of the game, lets say enough do. Now the bullets are spent.

Only think about what you just said. Putting fuel stabilizer into a tank of gas on day one will make the fuel last six months…but you’ll empty the tank in a day or two. Next tank you put fuel stailizer in is two days old already. Get the picture? After two weeks, unless you can reconfirgure the engine to run on stabilizer, that’s done. Let’s assume for the sake of the game you make it 2 weeks. Now no more viable fuel.

Yeah? You know how to get a helicopter running AND you can fly one? Great, but you’re probably dead because statistically, post apocalypse where ‘most of the population dies’, the odds of anyone in such a small group making it is pretty small. They will be few enough and far engouh between that, for the sake of the game, none made it.

Now how do we make a bad-ass post apocalyptic zombie survival game kick-ass without guns, cars, tanks, and helicopters. It’s really very doable and, i think, far more enjoyable than what we have. Let’s face it, 3.x is about as realistic as Star Trek. I would like to see something closer to what would really happen in 4.x. I don’t care if tanks and cars are reduced to scenary for the sake of that realism so long as the game is really good.

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And how do you plan to make the game worth building and progressing in? At this point you’re going around punching trees and looking for food. Most of the time-occupying parts of the game are now gone. Having every car perfectly functional and ready to go is not a good thing, same for guns, tanks, choppers, generators, and chainsaws. But removing them completely doesn’t improve the game and removes a lot of the progression this game relies on. To make your storyline feel better, we can add a manual detailing proper procedure for stripping a gun, fixing a car, and using a radio

Sure, but the progression to that point must be very difficult.

You can believe it sure as hell will be.

After all, we know 4.0 is getting some real hardcore stuff going in terms of game mechanics.



Removing these will just make the game boring and feel like everything you’re working towards is just a waste of time. So the way to go is to not make survival a waste of time. A good example can be DayZ Standalone (One thing to note, I haven’t heard anything about the game in a long time, so what I’m talking about is referencing an older game. Although… I highly doubt the DayZ Standalone team progressed that much).

So what was wrong with DayZ Standalone? Many things, but mainly that there was no progression. Literally, the only thing you could do was survive, you couldn’t make a base, you couldn’t drive a vehicle (I want to say that the first vehicle was added 2 years after DayZ Standalone release.) So the game was fun for a while, but had players ask themselves… “What’s the point?”. This translates the same way into 4.x. Without those simple things everyone wants, what’d be the point of playing if the only thing you could do is loot, find the best gear possible, die, repeat.

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It is a survival game not cod

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I think this is a great point. Day Z and 3.0 are good examples of exactly that…no point to it all. In the case of DayZ there was very little to no progression. In the case of 3.0 progression is too easy and, hence, ultimately unfulfilling. I think adding some realism to Unturned can bring it from a diverting game for a while to a really fun game with a lot of replayability. Vehicles, guns, gear, etc. are easy to get and the ‘enemy’ is too easy to defeat once you have them…hence the degeneration to kos / COD type of gameplay.

Then again I have played modded servers where the zombies are really difficult and prolific, PvP is enabled, and stuff is harder to get. I can play on such servers forever. Even with PvP enabled the focus of the game does not degenrate to kos and base raiding because the zombies, starvation, thirst, all trump killing other players as enemies and bordome simply does not set in. It can be done in this game, especially with some of the overhauls in 4.0 (wandering zombies, player-zombies, etc.)

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That’s pretty much why I fell in love with hardcore RP in Unturned.

Building an entire civilized society from the ground up with laws and an economy and shit takes the word “progress” to a whole other level. It’s made even more impressive given the PvP-centric, KoS prone community that Unturned has accrued over the years that are not typically used to this kind of thing.

Needless to say I’d really appreciate 4.0 having some progression that fufilling.


So would I :L

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