Skill systems for U4? suggestions and discussion

Fair enough.
It would give the feeling of the old 3.0 Unturned feel and by that not change so much, which doesn’t need to be a bad thing.

but having a bigger system like I suggested, would give much more diversity, feel and character to the game, It woudl give it that real survial game feeling.

What? No! The whole point of a passive and active system combined was to make the game different, not the same. Diversity is the name of the game here, and on the contrary, if you were to make it a “real survival game,” whatever that means, then it shouldn’t have skills at all, a characteristic more often found in RPGs and certain looter-shooters.

Yes I hate the handicap of shooting full auto with no skills. I think all guns should have there own recoil pattern and the player will have to master that on there own.

Obviously. When I say blueprint I mean the actual item.

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