Skybase nerf in vanilla maps

I think skybases are a bit silly and weird, im not suggesting remove them, but I think that the vertical build limit should be lowered so that skybases cannot be built above render distance from the ground

I think this would be a nice change so that, while still being harder to get to, they are not hidden unfairly in the outside of render distance. Having it hidden in the sky can also be paired with hoarding most/all vehicles, making it almost impossible to find.

If possible to make it togglable that would be preferred, though I think the nerf should be the default

a server setting for custom max build height would also be interesting (maybe it could generate the “no build above here” zone based using the heightmap + distance from ground?)

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I did this on my FullPlomo servers limiting the build height to 512mts instead of 1024mts (vanilla). I also noticed this is implemented on curated maps like Arid, Polaris and at some point Kuwait too so yeah this should be changed. Is so annoying to have no visible bases at 1000mts where you could just jump with an umbrella and go anywhere on the map with it

You can use a plugin for that


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