So about the turned

What are y’all theory’s about these turned?
Are they normal zombies? Or gory monsters?
Also, does molt know something more than we do?

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No hes just saying survivors are people who survived


Hmmmm. But how sure are we. 4.0 could be different. And that post seemed sorta cryptic for a bit. Now I understand xd but still… He could just stated it, instead of making it sound like he’s… Talking from a survivors viewpoint… HMMMMMM

We both wish that 'fam, but I do not know any more than others do, regarding the Turned.

Ahhh but bro, the turned was just a cover…

Molt is just being Molt with his mouldy way of saying stuff


Is anyone gonna have theory’s on how they will look? XD

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They'll look like this


Pineridge will look like this


Please no brother

My best guess is ‘turned’ are just zombies. From what it sounds like there’s three things listed on the trello under that:

  1. zombified players that carry items

  2. Zombie-like creatures on ceilings

  3. Growths that spawn turned (Similar to Spawners from MC being a good example(?))

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  1. Growths that eat you.
  2. Monsters.
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You know that meme I posted a while back about how zombies should look in 4.0. Maybe like that.

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I wonder if there somewhat be like how they are in rainbow six siege.

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Never played it so I dunno

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R6S above.

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So who thinks thay MAY somewhat be like that?

This quite literally sounds like the Flood from Halo.

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