So, how much are you willing to pay for Unturned 4.x? (poll)

Then what’s “Free to Play?”

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molt what are you doin

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He’s that guy who chooses all the options in a multiple choice question

Somebody (cough, cough @ArthurS) never specified the difference between “Free” and “Free To Play.”

That, and the options don’t include a less than. I am willing to pay money, but I’m also willing to not pay money. :wink:

I am under the assumption that “Free” means no Steam Economy or DLC. If SOMEONE had confirmed its meaning as that (not throwing shade at anyone in specific, VIOLENT COUGH @ArthurS VIOLENT COUGH), then I would remove “Free” from my vote.


Sry I believed everyone knew what was the difference between free and free to play, that’s obvious to me that free means no micro transactions in game (like boxes, skins and everything that could come to 4.X)… So unturned 3.X is a free-to-play… so a free game can have DLCs no ?

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To my knowledge “Free” means the game is openly pay to win, in that it went from a subscription model to some sort of must-have premium model - take EVE Online for instance, it’s listed as “Free” on Steam.

I doubt it’ll be the case for Unturned though.

I believe with just “FREE” games, you can get card drops from downloading them, even if you haven’t payed anything, free to play, you have to pay $5 for each card drop to occur

i think 20$ is a risky move.

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