So apparently there’s a tetris movie that’s been in production for 2 years and also spent 80 million to shoot in china. after hearing this news, i’m pumped for it. The only issue here is that its director is Larry Kasanoff.
Whats wrong with him you may be asking?
hes the creator of foodfight. the worst movie alive
if your curious about a review heres jontron (yes i know you dont have to comment me pickin this video in pacticular)
Ohh yeah, he also made mortal kombat (which was also bad), Beowolf (bad), Blood Diner (decently bad), and many more.
I’ve seen this image multiple times when I look it up. Judging by it, it will probably be like the “Pixels” movie where the old-school videogame characters become real and start destroying the world. only in this movie, it will be Tetris blocks falling from the sky to destroy new York city.