Some Item types reworks

Since I’ve only recently discovered this forum, and all the suggestions were removed from github, I remembered some of my suggestions I posted there and so I repost them here, combined into one post.

While Vehicles and Gun type items and perhaps Melee get most of the spotlight in terms of features, fixes and quality of life updates, which is fair, I believe there are many secondary, if you can call them that, item types, that really require a rewrite or at least some fixes.

Here are some suggestions for these item types:

The throw animation percentage, at which a throwable projectile is spawned is hardcoded to 0,6 or something close to it. While it may be sufficient for fast and simple animations, such as the vanilla grenade throw, it really breaks the more complex ones. When making my grenades mod, I had to overcome it by artificially increasing the animation with empty keyframes at the end of it, so that the projectile spawns later. But in turn, it makes your character do nothing for a second or two at the end of animation, which is bad in a gun fight obviously.

Another thing that could be implemented natively is Item component getting turned off after the throwable projectile spawns. I had to do it manually, by adding unity events to the animation, but I think its an important detail that should be made possible with vanilla grenades too, because while the vanilla grenade throw is very simple and fast, so you really have to pay attention to notice, that after the throw the grenade item stays in the hands of your character, its still a weird visual detail.

Refill type is missing a possibility to add refill animation sound. Once again, not very critical with simple animations such as the vanilla one, but quite annoying with more detailed ones.

Medical items use the same sound for both the use on player himself, or on other player, while the animations allowed are different. This poses problems, as, if for example, one wants to make a medical item, that does something different in the animation when used on another player, or is done faster or slower, they cant make a proper audio for it. For example, I wanted to make a first aid kit, which takes a normal amount of type to use on other player, but takes twice or thrice as long when using on yourself, which makes sense, since you’re injured and probably would be less efficient trying to operate yourselves.

The barricade placement sound is hardcoded to be played after the animation finishes and the barricade is placed. Once again, as usual, good for simple animations where you just “put down” the barricade and thats it, bad for complex animations, like setting up a landmine with a safety pin, or whatever else people may come up with. I dont propose to just hardcode it to play sound as other item types, but rather maybe add the possibility to specify both sound played on animation start and sound played on animation finished.

The electricity requirement is hardcoded to item type, which is quite annoying. While it might make sense for most item types, the clock type item, for example, doesnt really make sense to require power, especially if one is making a mechanical clock. It would’ve been much better if was a separate bool type variable, one can add to any barricade type.

Farm type items really need a possibility for reusing after harvesting. So that once you harvest it once, it just resets to 0 percent again, so you dont have to make a new seed, Could be used for vanilla Corn, for example, and many custom crops or crafting stations people make, such as fermentation barrels or bitcoin farms and e.t.c. So far the only way to make time-delayed or barricade-specific crafts is using crops, since we dont have a proper crafting station barricade type, so please, at least add more functions to crops. So far the things that were being added over the course of updates are great.


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