Some misc previously unreleased pixel art

I have a lot of minor pixel art things just sitting around that I never really posted here, so enjoy, I guess.

Maplestrike but it's a sticker

r a i n b o w r u n n e r

first attempt at making a pixel art meme in some sort of retro/vapourwave/outrun aesthetic idk

Gold Upgrade Keychain from the SDG Gift Shop

a tribute to my favourite country in the entire universe <3

custom pixel art Discord desktop icon


custom pixel art Steam desktop icon


You can download the .ico files for the pixel art desktop icons to use them yourself from here!

Also shameless self-promotion this is almost at 50 likes thank you everyone for the appreciation!




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11/10 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

11/10 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Here are some mediocre ones I made a little while ago.
AutoCAD Discord Exel GoogleChrome Netflix OneNote PowerPoint Steam Word

Not as good as yours.


Woaw. This is incredible

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