Something other than the KOS/Realism debate, what we want in barricades/buildables

I know realism is a big debate but thats mostly related to characters. I would just like to start a conversation about how realistic/or detailed we want objects to be. Do we want them to be like the more farming mod? Nice simple, goes with the art style just lots more uses. Or do we want the simple level we have right now? Basically I’m just asking how detailed/what kind of objects/buildables we want to see.


Im aware the second photo is kinda bad just wanted two images so people could sorta refresh their mind.

A realism debate in disguise


Some furniture for cosmetics and crafting machines: die press sets and other reloading machines, anvils and small smeltery type things for making makeshift armors and weapons, root cellars/iceboxes for perserving food, sewing machines for automated repairing/modification of clothing and simple chemical stations to make healing supplies and bombs. With tiered versions (a fire>makeshift convection smelter) and nomad versions to offer multiple playstyles. Thats just my vision though. I want things to have a usage and not be 100% cosmetic with the exception of certain things (i.e sitting in a chair increasing regen and crafting speeds) and maybe even requiring light sources to craft advanced things

mhm, I think that it would be cool if unturned had more medieval aspects, by that I mean like its sorta like Ark Survival where guns are sort of end/end of mid game but more like bows and stuff in unturned would be like early game and military grade rifles are end game sorta stuff. By end game I mean like when you’ve reached the point where you have almost the all the best loot in the game, which is quite easy to do if you just go to the right spawns. So I’d also like to see more crafting (which is a very common request)

if groups could have custom emblems, like I and a few other people suggested in previous posts, then you should be able to spray paint your emblem inside your house as a decoration, or maybe in a picture frame.

Every thing should be super detailed. (If Nelson can) but still retain the unturned feel. Right now Nelson is on the right path, don’t worry. Bows and things should also be encouraged and be better than they are in 3. Surviving out in the forest should be an option, looting shouldn’t be the only way to surivive.

Personally if I was developing 4.0 making the content of Lettallian’s Furniture Mod vanilla items would rank rather high on my priority list. There’s so many good items for base improvement that I usually don’t even play on servers that don’t run it.

Not as much as “medieval”, but clearly rudimentary stuff among the makeshift tier of objects. Just imagine a makeshift washing machine or a water pump (e.g.) powered by a static bicycle, (in all seriousness) lol.

why not just a manual water pump

I’d like more storage options like a wine rack or a minifridge, as well as more furniture like L-shaped couches and actual fucking chairs.


One operated by a bycicle could be on next tier. Actually, I’ve been thinking about how funny yet useful would be powering or operating certain makeshift utilities with static bicycles. Also it could serve for cardio training as a secondary perk.

there should br alternative power sources, like windmills and solar panels.

It would be funny af anyway.

And what about waterwheels? In maps with rivers Ofc (and assuming that rivers will have proper flowing). That would also add up another purpose for PvP; who controls a river, has a good source of power.

that’d be very cool. would definitely like to see that in game

Judging by where Unturned is seemingly headed in terms of its art style: the answer for build details is definitely somewhere in between but closer to “more like the farming mod”.
Presuming the question requested a scalar analysis.

(Obligatory introduction)

Chairs & Tables

Ever try crafting something standing up?
No. Everybody here is too lazy to even attempt that!
Well, I did. It wasn’t very easy, you only had your two hands, and maybe the ground if you don’t have a table/machine/utility near you to assist your construction.
But the distance between your arms, and your construction material when constructing while sitting can be a nuisance to work with.
Which is why a table is useful, it also allows you to get a better look at your work but that’s not particularly important.
But why are chairs useful?
So that you aren’t uncomfortable on the ground for one, and you yet again, get more space to work with depending on the table’s height.
Chairs aren’t particularly useful in this sense, now that I think about it.
Why am I sitting?


Ok, I finally mustered up some ideas!
Reason for smaller storage I could see is the potential that it could probably be moved with ease with the items inside of it.
Maybe stored in vehicles it could be useful to quickly unload many supplies as opposed to having the small inventory of your person deliver the loads separately inside?
Larger containers have the benefit of being heavy and harder to move, and of course being bigger.
They would also be heavier depending on the weight.
Of course, you could also bolt larger containers down.
There could be different variety of large containers, from armoured to unarmoured, for the sake of weight


Let me start by saying that it is a stupid idea to put a campfire or torch inside your base, not without adequate ventilation, which is why fireplaces exist.
So that you don’t die from asphyxiation.

Carpets are pretty self-explanatory, they provide warmth for the person who steps on them if they don’t have footwear (in which case they provide less) or are in a cold environment.
Good for spawn rooms in colder environments; the entire base if you don’t have the means to produce electricity.
If you’re really desperate, you could probably lay down on a carpet to get that extra warmth.
Depending on where the carpet is placed, it could degrade over time thanks to bugs eating it.

Radiators too, they use steam running through the radiator to disperse heat around the room.
You could always just be in the presence of a hot pipe, too.


This is most troublesome.

It could probably work if floors/walls were given a grid to snap pipes onto or simply allowing them to be connected through walls & floors/roofs, likely the latter though. The former would be a pain in the ass.
But anyways, as if it hasn’t been emphasized in the other sections (which you presumably read): the pipes give off an amount of heat or cooling dependent on the status of their contents, which thin themselves out & reduce their affect dependent on how much space your pipe gave them to use and how much of the contents are in the pipe.

Then there’s electrical pipes, which should be self-explanatory.

Renewable Energy

You know, the kind which isn’t used as commonly. Hydroelectric, solar, probably geothermal, and wind power.
These all have their benefits, scaling accordingly to their regions, however they may not be as efficient as non-renewable, such as coal, oil, & gasoline.
Luckily, there’s no environmentalists to spit in your face this time, if you do consider the latter! Or are there?

But anyways: places with lots of sunlight & panels which rotate according to the position of the sun produce more energy for the solar panels (although it must be said they aren’t very efficient irl).
Windy places like the highest points on maps or fields would be good for wind power.
Rivers would be good for hydroelectric.

Non-renewable Energy

The bad part about non-renewable is that you actually have to scavenge for it, hnnng.
Although it’s much better than renewable energy in its energy output.
And with enough output you’re probably going to be signalling everybody nearby that your base does in fact exist and it is stuffed with resources.
And then of course: there’s the fact you need to set the damn thing up, it’s not as easy as the renewable resources to set up, too (excluding geothermal).

Although on the topic of ‘unclean energy’, Nelson could probably do what Factorio does when you have too much non-renewable running, but that’s implying that your group can collect enough of it to actually warrant zombie interference, but why consider adding this? Because this:

The Goddamned sinks/water pumps

Really simply: it’s just a pipe outlet which allows you to pour nitric acid on your skin if you want.
If you didn’t get the idea from that sentence: you can wash your hands and get a lesser chance of getting sick by touching food which you would put in your mouth with them, assuming Nelson would add cleanliness/dirtiness to Unturned.

Other than that: it’s just a way to collect water using the pipes, the sink being the same except it can be used for storage, too.

I want to power a torture device with a static bicycle.
Is it wrong that I find this funny?

Where's my fucking fortnite dance?

I’ll get more soon enough (in the course of a few days?), that’s all (for now).


You better look at this and also this

A friendly being wants to negotiate the integrity of your arse


I say we leave that to Nelson,he’s the developer so he will know what to do.But If I really had control over this,I would add one object for each task and not try to converge multiple tasks on one item. E.g.:Different means of storage:liquid storage,miscellaneous storage,sensitive food storage (Fridges),weapon storage etc. I don’t know it is just more realistic and makes more sense this way in my opinion,and since 4.0 is going towards the realism side,I don’t see why this shouldn’t come.

Thanks for the very thoughout reply and good point! Didn’t think of that.

I hope he also adds it so decorations have uses, so bases aren’t just lockers stacked next to each other. Cuz a big part of unturned is RP. I.E running water for sinks idk how’d that would work tho.

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