Suggestion for Stockpile Articles | Spinning Model

Make the Model in the Workshops spin-able so we can see the entire Outfit from all sides since half the Outfits contain a backpack you visibly cant see.
Its just something that always bugged me since i always need to look up the item in the Market to find out how it actually looks.


This is actually a good suggestion. I can also kinda help you, if you want to see like backpack or any other hidden stuff you can go to wiki and find some information there. There are a lot of premium items with pictures and information.


Thanks appreciated :slight_smile:

Since it’s been brought up a few times recently I’ll see about prioritizing it. :thinking:


the god has spoken and we shall listen to his words

Nelson, this is actually important and you should do it. People will start buying things more often if you do it

Thanks for another game changing update.

It’d be nice yeah but I don’t see that increasing skin sales. The people that buy those skins know what they look like anyway, no way the increase will be noticeable.

Yeah, some of the icons don’t really display the items well. You typically have to go check out the stockpile page to get a better look.

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