Suggestion: More Door & Lock types

It is a different system because the mechanics are completely different. Sure, upgraded doors are not exactly special, but as I said in my post (which I recommend you re-read), the heavier doors will open slower and take much longer to unlock, so even if they have more HP they are harder to use.
As for the locks themselves, the simple lock requires the player to run around with the key, and if they die they lose the key. The keyless lock will be one of those american twisty locker locks, which will mean you have to enter a code every time you want to enter the base (or maybe 1 time only, like in Rust). The keypad lock will be faster and more secure than the keyless lock, but requires a digital code or a keycard (keycards can be stolen off of players but are faster to use than the number-pad on the keypad lock). Finally, the facial recognition scanner is the fastest, but can be hacked, but the plus side is that it is very fast and secure.

In terms of the breaching mechanisms I suggested; they are completely different and unique. The drill will be silent but it will be slow and can easily break. The picklocks require advanced picklock skills, sort of like in SCUM, which will be cool. As for the hacking device, it can be like a cool computer and you have to know what you are doing.

All of these are cool and unique mechanics as I more or less described in my post. Next time, please actually read my post before posting such replies. Thx!

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Ouch. That stings.

So Iā€™ve reread your post, however, I donā€™t see how your suggestions are really unique. All youā€™ve really suggested are some doors and, admittedly cool, but ultimately impractical concepts.

You see, Iā€™ve actually tried to make a lockpicking post, but gave up because I couldnā€™t determine how it would work. From what Iā€™ve seen, neither have you. Sure, you have some ideas on lockpicking and hacking requiring skills, but you havenā€™t at all delved into the deeper connotations on how exactly these would work.

Take lockicking for example. Obviously, you need a lockpick, or a set of lockpicks. But how exactly do you go about doing this task? Do you jiggle the pick around in a couple directions like Skyrim, and the lock just happens to come loose? Or is there a puzzle minigame based around the tumblers and the picks? And if itā€™s the latter, how exactly do you know how many pins to implement? If they should be randomized? After all if the puzzle if too difficult, then nobody will do it; however if itā€™s too easy, then raiding becomes pointless.

Letā€™s move on to your hacking. You said something about a computer, and ā€œhaving to know what youā€™re doing.ā€ So how does this work? Are there actual lines of code that you have to decipher, or is it a another puzzle? Again, the issue of difficulty comes up.

Now, letā€™s cover your drill. How is your drill silent? If this is anything like PAYDAY 2, then you should know that safecracking drills are pretty loud.

Finally, your facial recognition scanner. Does it just have a database of players that it lets in, or does it actually recognize faces (which would be a terrible idea)?

All in all, I appreciate that youā€™re throwing out ideas, but you havenā€™t really considered the implications of each method, or how exactly each one would work. That being said, these are some pretty unique ideas, however, Iā€™m not sure what exactly I misunderstood from your twelve bullet points that warranted the need for you to claim that I had not read your post.

Next time, if youā€™re going to suggest something, please take some time to clarify on how you think a suggestion should work in the actual post, instead of in a reply a day later.

Thank you for your time.

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Next time you write a reply please actually read the post thoroughly and use your own brain to come up with an example for what Iā€™m saying.

Now I will repeat, lockpicking mechanic will be like in SCUM, Hacking can be like in GTA V, the drill can be silent - this isnā€™t payday 2, and the scanner will be based on your steam 64 ID.

I understand you want to write long extended replies, but try to make them more useful in future!

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I did. All twelve bullet points. However, it took this reply to clarify what you actual meant.

In any case, thank you.


Yeah no problem. We mustā€™ve just misunderstood each other.

You should have another crack at that idea you mentioned, because it seemed quite good. I did not want to put too much detail or thought into this idea until I heard whether or not the community would actually like to see this implemented. Plus, if anyone does decide to implement this sort of idea, I am sure they would change it drastically and would ignore my specifics.

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Yo Iā€™m in twice

What is that even supposed to mean?

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