Survival Suggestions and improvements

If you are struggling to read this go down in the comments thee ideas that i requested are the same but cleaner Huge thanks to GreatHeroJ for clearing up the list and summarizing it down below in the commets
Im better with points not full on sentences so lets get onto it

Reference to Civmax-track’s post about jamming, Jamming should be possible for every gun below a certain percent but that percentage can vary between guns encouraging more varied verity in what people use as there gun. And guns breaking should be the result of shooting guns at 0% for too long or as you repair your gun the chance of it breaking increases so people still have to find guns even end game

Unturned could probably take some ques from rust in some ways. One of these ways is in the building system by making it a blueprint system you can remove alot of inventory clutter and chunkiness from building same from removing the animation. Add the hammer system and you got a simple hassle free way to upgrade stuff also add the stability mechanic, And boom you just removed the hassle of skybases made raiding and building alot more stragic and less clunky

Less directly better stats i mentioned this one briefly in the first point. But what i mean is is have guns that are still better in every way to other guns but as you get toward the higher teir guns in real life you cant get a gun any better at something unless you sacrifice something else. Make guns who are great for durability and being cheap but horrible for damage. Make guns that are general perpous, Maybe make guns that are existing souly for damage and fire rate but are expensive to get ammo for and repair. Im sure you can see how this makes the gun you choose less strait forward and something really worth considering and thinking about making play styles more unique and interesting

Another thing i think unturned could take from rust is being able to craft basic weapons. Make starter or mid game weapons like the colt or the viper craftable but not weapons like, Maple strike or Swissgewher

Food should rot lets be honest, although you’ll probably loose your hunger faster same with hydration in 4.0, You’ll probably be stacked with food and water and null the effect. To keep endgame players engaged and actively playing make food rot although this may not eliminate the problem it will make the hunger aspect of the game alot more serious and something really be considered. Do i go to the military base and die? or do i set up a farm and get a refrigerator or icebox to keep my food fresh and make sure i dont starve

*I know iv been taking alot of ideas from rust and it may seem a bit annoying but come on you gotta admit there are some aspects of rust that are pretty good, One of these aspects is the fact when you log off your body stays there you actually have to go back to your base. This also eliminates the issue of combat logging because if you log off that does nothing you just dont witness your death

*Add weight back. i know that on top of a tetris puzzle inventory system may be bit of a hassle make it apply to weapons ammo and ect, Or make it a difficultly setting in config or both

Optional but i say you should make skins more tame or make the mythical effects on items enabled or disabled by the server owner.

Make melee weapons throwable. It would spice up game play and make it where your not entirely screwed if you only have melee weapons ageist any kind of gun

Clothing actually rips and compeatly breaks slimier to guns if neglected or below certain percent. Although this would probably be a more direct upgrade system like 3.0, Military gear being the best

Remove or make it a option to remove the location of you or others in your group on the map for difficulty unless you got a GPS

Something interesting would be a system like H1Z1. Where you can exsist with the zombie virus and still control yourself and not die due to it going through stages. But you gotta make sure you dont get to that final stage or else die and maybe a zombie spawn in its place

Make it where you have to boil even fresh water. Or risk catching a illness or loosing toxicity.

Ideas taken from Ihatemyself762 here as well Limb based wounding and imcampaciation

Being able to burn wood stuff cause it seems like something that should be possible

Add percentages of all resistances to every piece of clothing

Actually being able to tame a horse or a cow or a pig or whatever though thats a huge strech so \o3o/

Bigger maps nothing more nothing less but i compleatly understand if you cant do that

*Add footprint marks you think this wouldent mean much. But honestly it could litertly let you track down and hunt players or follow them, Without nesscarly having them to be in sight

  • Improved medicine and more specific uses and stats for medicine idea credit goes to NarcolepticHound

Thanks mate to use my idea in your post ;D !

Holy smokes, reading that was pretty confusing for me.
I’ll try to summarize for anybody who may not understand OP’s grammar, then I’ll provide feedback:


summarized part of original post

  • my feedback/opinion on aforementioned part of post

Gun jamming: when below a certain durability percentage, guns should jam occasionally. These values would be varied across different guns, and once the durability reaches 0% there should be a chance for guns to break. Repair should increase the chance of the gun breaking, giving an incentive to find a new gun.

Building system: borrowed from Rust, Unturned should have building plans rather than having the current clunky system of crafting and placing individual building components. There should also be a hammer to upgrade the building tiers, as well as a stability system.

  • I totally agree here especially having been a Rust vet myself.

Have guns that are better than others in every way but may be rarer, as well as giving guns more specific niches such as damage per shot/fire rate with expensive repair

  • I don’t know how I feel about this. All guns should have advantages and disadvantages against each other, that’s just how it is IRL anyways. And while using real life isn’t a good argument, I still think any gun should have a specific edge over another.

Being able to craft more basic weapons in early game.

  • I agree in that you should be able to craft a lot more makeshift stuff such as primitive weapons and things like that, but you definitely wouldn’t be able to manufacture a Colt or Viper from scratch. That’s kinda unreasonable.

Food spoilage.

  • Another thing I have already touched on in the past, so I thought you should see for yourself.

Add weight back with a config option to make it optional.

  • I believe this is already in the 4.0 Wishlist, meaning Nelson plans to add weight in some form. Would definitely appreciate it being optional.

Make skins less immersion breaking and have the option for the server owner to enable/disable mythicals on their server.

  • I agree that skins shouldn’t be as crazy as they are in 3.0, however if someone has a mythical enabled just let them do that. If you’re going to go the config route there should just be an option to disable all cosmetics/skins in general.

Throwable melee weapons.

  • For sure. It should only be things that make sense though, as you wouldn’t for instance throw a Baton at someone. I guess you could but items like that should do less damage vs things that are better suited to throwing.

Clothing rips/breaks when low durability

  • Having it rip is a bit too far detail wise, it would just look weird with the low-poly art style Unturned has, but it should definitely reach a point where at 0% it would just break.

Add a config option to hide the locations of your group on the map screen

  • I guess immersion wise this would be nice for server owners. Assuming 4.0 even has stuff like a map screen, though.

Borrowed from H1Z1: be able to survive even after infected by the zombie virus

  • To me this just seems like a really bad idea. It doesn’t make much sense that you would be able to keep living after you’ve been infected by a virus that literally killed the world’s population save for a select few.

Boiling water, even freshwater, to clean it. Otherwise risk getting sick from toxicity

  • Yes. This is a big part of survival. You would require some sort of container that you can boil inside of though, such as a canteen, glass bottle, or cooking pan/pot.

Limb-based damage/incapacitation

  • Perhaps this may work but the health/damage system would need drastic change. However, if executed right (like with games such as RimWorld/Escape From Tarkov) this would be an amazing addition.

Actually burning wood when using a campfire/torch

  • For sure. Another immersion/survival idea that needs to become a reality.

Add resistance percentages to clothing

  • If you mean having individual damage types like in Rust (blunt, stab, slash, bullet, bite, cold, heat, falling, radiation, explosive, etc etc) that would actually be really cool.

Being able to tame animals (e.g. horse, cow, pig, etc)

  • Another thing that has already been placed on the 4.0 Wishlist. Although it will be a real challenge to implement properly, Nelson plans to do this.

Bigger maps

  • I think it’s inevitable, seeing that 3.0 already has way bigger maps than 2.0. Optimization will have to be pretty good, but with Nelson completely rebuilding the game code on a new engine this should happen.

Add footprints for tracking/hunting

  • It should be like blood splats: there should be a graphical option to toggle it on/off, because performance wise this sounds demanding.

Ya pretty much man thanks for summerizeing and cleaning up my text :stuck_out_tongue:

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