>be me
>pvp god
>always getting banned off RP servers by the sheer fact that I’m so good at
defending myself from idiots that it frequently appears that I’m mass-kosing
>join some popular cringe Creative RP that I wont name to save face
>washington server, seattle is a KOS shithole, no staff online
>go to olympia, take over the place by placing flags that say no trespassing
>get this undying feeling deep inside, a hidden urge that i cant control
>what could this be?
>begin to profusely place beds everywhere, all the time, nonstop
>twelvies show up screaming that they’re the military and they begin to destroy beds and shoot me
>i destroy them numerous times as they keep coming back, until eventually they come in surrender
>“anon if you let us have the base we will let you have your beds in peace”
>not to mention this is the tenth time i’ve decimated them, and they crying, trying to get staff online
>“I’ll allow you to base here but I’ll end your blood-line if you touch any beds”
>this little compromise hardly lasts as individual members of the twelvie group try to snipe me

>kid in fornite bus shows up blasting “we like to party”, joins in the ceremony of bedroll placing
>did i mention i was placing beds the entire time?
>staff member gets online, frustrated because theres over 1000 player structures on the server
>doesn’t realize the beds at olympia, and thanos snaps all player structrues

>admin gets off shortly after, but my lust for bedrolls can not be ended
>people complain that the beds are “causing lag” even though they’re not
>bed gang vs the anti-bed fires off at olympia
>meanwhile i continue placing beds and switching beds every time i die to the onslaught
>never shot first, they shot us first. they broke NLR. breaking every rule in the book. crying that we’re the ones “breaking the rules”
>dumb dick donald admin #2 gets online, waves his big admin pp all over us when he realizes the beds, wipes them all
>our never-ending spirit can not be smothered out so easily as he thinks
>we continue placing the beds right infront of his face in solidarity for each-other and our cause
>audible helpless crying can be heard from admins #2’s mic
>kids are literally infront of the admin kosing us
>dumb donald the admin finally figures out how to use commands after standing still for atleast five minutes
>bans me for placing beds
>just beds
>doesn’t ban anyone else
>RP servers are a disgrace to the community, and situations like this are inevitable
>but fuck it - you only came this far for the screenshots, huh? sick fuck