The "Benson Bexton" Suspects

To be honest I dont know


Well how else our we gonna decipher the mystery if we dont gather as much info as possible

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Presumably, this conundrum can only be solved via the use of the infinitely regenerating 6 Seater Makeshift Vehicle gang

Hmmm… Find pictures of them and see if benson is there.

Have we ever seen MoltonIsTrash and BensonBexton in the same room?

We didint here about moltonstrash for a long time .

Moltonstrash isnt funny tho

yep (i forgot how to bypass 10 char)

Alright lets regroup…
Who are our prime suspects?

The people that are owning the offbrand hoodie have some stuff to explain.

@SirAdy @danaby2 @Renaxon you guys have some explaining to do :angry:

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Also Benson is very close to danaby.

Why are you dragging me into this? I only have the hoodie because @Renaxon told me he asked Nelson for one and I thought it would be cool to get it. Besides, you know I’m too uncreative to own a parody account :frowning:

Haha but it was actually me, Dio!

our prime suspects are as follows:

Or Nelson

our Actual prime suspects are as follows:

or nelson

and nooby

i think we should continue our latest track about hoodie the sir ady told us

man, 200 replys in and we still havent figured this out…