Unturned 2.0 The almighty matamorez is the most feared gun across PEI. Survivors fear that they might flop over dead since you can’t hear the damn thing even if you are right next to it and can’t even see a flash! It only had full auto at least it was slow and had early 3.0 grizzly recoil and it took civ ammo. The matamorez enjoyed its time being top dog in 2.0 only being rivaled by the bows. Here comes 3.0 the matamorez is reborn, but it feels lost like its missing something. Now people can see the flash and hear it loud and clear. The mata was not sad but felt different. Then it found its biggest enemy the ordinary hat! These hats had magical powers that prevented the matamorez from one shoting people. This shock made the mata evolve into a new gun that was crippled from this sadness. This new form was a mata that was still a sniper but it only did 80 damage. This new mata decided it had enough of not one shoting these hats and decided to evolve into its true and finest form. This new confident mata found out that these hats had no powers and punched right through them thanks to its new 1.1 headshot multiplier it could finally standup to the grizzly and its old rival the timberwolf. This glory didn’t last forever though. Russia came around and the new kid came with it the Ekho. The Ekho was so cool to the mata because it had a side mag and the mata wanted to be a cool ranger sniper like the Ekho so it tried to evolve, but out of nowhere Nelson pressed B stoping the mata from evolving this sudden stop in mid evolution mutated the mata making a freaky assault rifle. From now on the mata cries to become a normal sniper again, but only the God Nelson knows when the mata will be blessed with sniper rifle powers.
the gun is still good for raiding
not the pvp expiernce
The Matamorez is not a sniper rifle. It is currently an assault rifle that should be instead a designated marksman or sharpshooter rifle, amd not a battle rifle because it fires an intermediate sized cartridge.
Honestly the Mata should go back to being the Mata. Right now its a weird assault rifle weapon that no one wants to use because jesus that’s a waste of high cal ranger.
The normal mag should be 10 and the box should be 15. Damage should go up to 80 but bullet drop should stay similar as well as a general decrease in firerate.
The mata should have increased recoil too.