The fleet

their coming…
(just an experiemt that worked out well :smiley:

Are those functional vehicles?

unfortunately no, just using some tricks with the map editor to make them BUT, it would be cool if I can figure out how to make them into working vehicles xd

well, in the future ill experiment with making vehicles like so, for now I think Ill practice making the models for them int he editor. If anyone could tell me how to make this work, I would like that a lot.

is you take their model into photo shop or somethign and do some magic you can. I think its pretty simple, (i dont make mods so i have no clue)

unfortunately I dont have Photoshop :confused: so yeah, also I would need to create a custom model so it would be liked more and such. I would probably be fine with the vehicle speed and such but other than that I dont think I can do :confused:

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