A great was has begun between the regulars, destruction and chaos is everywhere…
Prepare yourselves.
Edit: it ended as soon as it began.
Guess nobody has to prepare.
Edit2: now it’s the “great hall of almost nothingness”
A great was has begun between the regulars, destruction and chaos is everywhere…
Prepare yourselves.
Edit: it ended as soon as it began.
Guess nobody has to prepare.
Edit2: now it’s the “great hall of almost nothingness”
excuse me but I’ll have to ask you to delet this
It’s a record of the great war. No
wHat rEcORD, i mUst AsK?
A record that will self destruct when you read it.
The reason it was made has been partially wiped from existence, and soon, will completely be.
well rip my regular status
surprised I even had it in the first place
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