The Sledgehammer is depressingly underwhelming

Back in 2.0 the Sledgehammer was a powerful melee weapon which was probably one of the strongest to find below Katana.

At the moment it’s a weak and slow weapon. If you didn’t know, it is statistically identical to the bloody Canadian tool called a hockey stick but the thing is that the Sledgehammer has worse durability and object damage, nothing else. Maybe there’s some Canadian bias going on :rage:

I didn’t put this post in suggestion cause it’s just sad, and no one cares about filler weapons (or anything that isn’t a military knife or similar).

So what else is underwhelming in the game?


Make it smash open heads :griefer:
It would be epic if it was more useful


The Machete has the same range as the Katana. That just ain’t right.

#buffKatana (That’s the right conclusion for me to draw, right?)

i think the mlee weapons should be more clear on theyer abilities and damage is kind of hard to see a diffrennece at damage and hitting speed.

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The MP40 despite being an “Epic” ranger smg is super trash.


The frying pan doesn’t make a loud noise.

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  • The Stereo is quite worthless.
  • Precision Charges l m a o
  • Supposed tools and items you’d think would have additional utility like Hammers, Pocketknives, Kitchen Knives, Butcher Knives, and Frying Pans do not whatsoever
  • Adrenaline, and Morphine to a degree
  • Canteens and the entire clean/dirty water mechanic to begin with
    • In addition to this, Rain Barrels being empty and only full when storms end, not to mention how little hydration it actually provides and the fact that you can’t drink straight out of it
  • Blindfolds, though this isn’t as much of an issue ever since the crafting UI update
  • A majority of food items are straight one-ups over each other

all i read was CANADA GANG


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Vehicle physics are fine tbh

no they’re not, do you play unturned?


Maybe we could have shadowstalker + sledgehammer = Thors hammer.
It would kill everything when equipped, including the player,.
please like 4 add

The players
please like 4 ban

You make a mockery of our beautiful canon with your Norse mythos! Have you no shame? Have you no respect for the Polysol Federation and soulcrystals?

If I wanted to use a weapon that killed me I’d use Chewing Gum. Not that it’s any less useless, of course.

They should be able to raid metal lmao

Speaking of:

The Hockey Mask is one of the only clothing items in the game that has absolutely zero armor rating despite being designed to protect your face. Why? Because it was added before armor was properly implemented during the Canada days.

On top of this it’s still in the game but an item that no longer spawns to my knowledge (unless it’s still findable in Montague).

Make the Hockey Mask great again Nelson pls

(On a bonus note, I can’t believe I forgot to bring up the single most forgotten item in Unturned. No, not the Stereo, or the Wall Clock - but Frames. Large or small, birch or maple or pine, they are literally useless)

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Frames have their uses if you want to have a Natural location (Like a cave) all to yourself. But besides that they are pretty useless. Especially now that Hawaii is gone, and soon Germany, the only maps with caves.

Oh and the hockey stick can be found here:

You’re thinking of Doorframes and Garageframes, which are actually quite useful in freeform building.

That, however, is not the same as this. Literally a freeform square large enough for players to pass through, and only existing in wood, therefore vulnerable to all attacks. Windows and doors cannot be placed in them, so essentially, they are literally wooden plates with holes where the middle part is. In other words, useful for absolutely nothing.

It’s so useless that despite being one of the earliest types of freeform buildables, it is hands down the most forgotten set of items in the game.

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oh yeah forgot about those. Yeah they are fucking pointless ey?

What were they originally for? I’ve crafted them before thinking windows would work in them but the only reason I saw to have them afterwards was for areas where you could quickly drop through.

I remember placing some arrangement of frames and sandbags that completely concealed a player standing on the ground inside, and provided just enough of an opening to shoot through when standing atop the inner layer of sandbags, but I don’t remember exactly how I placed them.