The state of the Unturned lore

I was about to comment on some things things you said, but then I saw you editing them and for the most part I agree now. About the part where not everything gets translated into the game though, I think that is also fair, but I do think diving into the more mysterious aspects of the story would have been very interesting. Now whatever reasons Nelson had to not include those elements, a.k.a. maybe he didn’t think it would be as relevant or they didn’t add up with the rest of the story would make sense, but what I was saying was that there are loose chains I expected some sort of answers for over the years and they were never really touched again.

Now that is some very welcome clarification on what Nelson said in the interview. Definitely a good thing to know.

Also, slightly off-topic here, but I’ve read through this post you made summarizing the storyline, and while I did notice the title said “Mostly-accurate”, I am very curious whether or not there are any sources confirming some of what you mentioned, because I was not able to find any (or if it’s speculation/something else):



edit: forgot to add the photos lol

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