I really would like to see toggle microphone button. (In options you can choose if you want your microphone button push or toggle to talk). It would be very convenient if such a function existed. But someone will ask why this function is needed when you can hold down the button for a long time and talk. This is not really it. Personally, sometimes I want to talk to a person even after moving away from the computer, so that the microphone is simply always on at the press of one button. Sometimes I want to play some piece of music (for example on cello) into the microphone for my clan to listen to it and to have fun. That’s why I think it’s worth adding this feature. I do not think that this feature would make any harm. I just do not want to download any keypress software, so why just not to add this in game? What do you guys think?
I think the original argument in favor of push to talk was to reduce mic spam, but nowadays macros that allow you to keep it “held” constantly are even more prevalent. I’m not sure when I’ll next be working on the voice features but it’s a reasonable suggestion.
Totally agree! A toggle mic option would be super useful. Holding down a button to talk can be inconvenient, especially for longer conversations or when multitasking. It would be great if Nelson could add this feature.