Why it should exist?
First of all I would just like to clarify that I am talking about player to player trading.
You might be thinking,
ridiculous that’s useless or
why trade if we all have the same item in /kit LOL
Or most likely that NPC trading is the only trading that should be in Unturned II.
But Unturned is a looting based game and sometimes you run to a pharmacy with 2% immunity and its looted completely.
Exchanging your extensive supply of ammunition to a fellow player might be a good idea.
What im getting at is that on multiplayer you don’t allways have all the things you want/need
And to get those things you should co-operate or kill.
And with a more PVE focused game it is possible that it wont allways come to the second one.
Why not just drop items on the floor?
Do you really want to argue over how many meds you gave someone because you drop a few to many, or the other guy dropped less than expected
Having a menu system would allow to select items you want and keep them in memory so when you trade you have what you wanted and is in the other players inventory will automatically be selected as their side of the trade and vice versa.
and like the steam trading system both parties mark themselves as ready to trade for the exchange to happen.
do we want roleplay servers?
I think the roleplay crowd should be able to enjoy unturned II with some basic roleplay frameworks to be modded from.
no plugins tho
I actually want to know what you guys think about RP
_how this “trading menu” can benefit _
Besides the obvious, trading
This player exchange mechanic should be expandable for modding.
I’ll go over some examples
Non itemized exchange.
Trading things for player attached currency (like credit card balance or something)
NPCs could offer services like healing.
Hitman: receive the items when you kill a certain person
Taxi:recieve the items when your client reaches a map location
Took me much much longer than it should,
That’s what you get for using a photo editing programme with no tutorial
I had like 20 layers and took me 80mins
In the Junk Jack series (a mobile, arcadey survival game), you can trade with other players’ using a placeable balance scale. Not sure if it would make more sense to trade via a deployable in UII as opposed to just anywhere, but this is an interesting idea regardless.
It would also promote more cooperation between players!
I’d still like to see both electronic and analogic balance scales for weighting stuff though. It might come in handy since seeing the weight of my potatoes sack displayed everytime and also that every single one weights the same is just boring.
Am I the only one who disagrees? I mean you can still count the items in the “nearby” section. Also why would you want to trade with a person that you don’t trust.
I don’t see the issue with creating a sanctioned trading system. It takes nothing away from the game and really is only beneficial by making any form of player trading easier.
Good point, but when you have your inventory opened on your screen to trade you are vulnerable, friends of the other guy can shoot you
You wouldn’t have a chance to retaliate