Transparent Roadway Textures

Itd be almost game-changing if we could get the ability to make transparent textures for roadways. Currently, the transparent layer of textures gets filled in with black. This makes customization of roadways more painful in several ways in which I’ll be documenting below.

I have extensive experience in the placing of roadways and detailing of roadway networks using the unturned editor. That being said, there are also others who have expressed interest in having this as an option for map makers.


- Roadways such as dirt trails require a separate terrain material to be made in order to blend the trail in with the environment. This takes up one of our limited 8 slots for terrain materials.

- Roadway detailing must be textured to fit the underlying roadway. Crosswalks for example must have the terrain color between crosswalk markings filled, which may not always match to the current roadway’s actual texture. It can be easier to make some of these details as roadway networks than decals, but we are then limited by the lack of a transparent layer.

- Networks such as railway tracks suffer heavily from the lack of transparency. We are currently forced to texture the ballast of railway networks, which (like trails) must then have a terrain material made in order to blend it with the terrain. Crossings and switches suffer the most of this. The above textures flickers from overlapping and detailing these areas becomes difficult.

- “Worn” roadways are not possible without heavy use of decals. Simply adding in a grass or dirt texture on the network wont always fit in with the surrounding terrain. This forces map devs to use materials for roadways, which then cannot be easily detailed like other networks.

-I’m well aware that transparent textures may look a tiny bit off, mainly that roadways may appear to be floating if too tall. That being said, this is heavily outweighed by the positives… and there are many ways to properly texture and configure the networks to make it fit in.

Here is just one example photo of how this would be beneficial to the look of roadway networks, the main being railways:

In conclusion, transparency for roadway networks would remove a lot of limitations that we currently have for texturing.

Roads are heavily underutilized and the detailing of networks can be really beneficial to a map. Below are some of my own road networks as an example of how they can improve map aesthetics.

Thanks :slight_smile:


Improved road features in general would be pretty nice, I’m not a map maker but it seems somewhat limiting and janky.

I understand if Nelson wants to prioritize gameplay but that would be cool to see at some point.


I like seeing all the roads with more details put into them. I may have suggested or at least mentioned it in the past, but it’d be nice if roads were designed to support the details.

I think it was mainly Intersection Marking Tool and possibly CSUR from the Cities: Skylines workshop that I mentioned before. I’m not sure how much code is tied to roads in Unturned, but it may be an option to get a complete overhaul of them either this or next year.


Intersection Marking Tool would be amazing lol- Though it would take a lot of work and new systems to implement.

In response to both you and billy, an upgrade to the road networking tools in general would be amazing. This is just one of many suggestions I have been wanting to make about the road tools, and it only covers the texture side of it.

Having options such as dynamic sizes (different road indexes of the same ‘texture’ being able to have different width/height/etc) or better control over the sides of roads (option to make the side slope off better, or have the entire mesh be more of a triangle than flat) would change a lot.

Heck, even the option to have bezier curve decals would be amazing for road detailing. Would allow for the intersections ive provided as examples above to be made much easier. Crosswalks, stop lines, etc would be easier to make and place.


Agreed, I bet a total rework would be low priority though since it would be a lot of work for something that doesn’t make a huge difference for like 99% of players.


I’ve always wanted to make a drivable gondola that would rely on an invisible rail so it could be a train.


Your map is looking amazing by the way!


Thank you!

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i personally think something that’d be nice would be that posibility to change the model of the road nodes to make mor believeable train tracks

this is something i quickly put on in blender but given i don’t know how hard it’d be to make so it’d work on the game due to how the track sections would have to deform on curves
and i hold this thought mostly as the train wheels don’t match the surface their on and to me personally stands out like a sore thumb


Could implement multiple “single track section” models for different amounts of curvature, in addition to the straight one.

I think @Tiway has done it with his cable car

Imo any type of monorail of any future curated map would be hella cool

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