Tree Optimization

Did a bit of testing with trees and managed to get them quite optimized. Imo it makes forests look 100x better.

PC Specs:

  • GPU: RTX 3060
  • CPU: Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core
  • Ram: 32G


  • Ultra: 70-100 fps
  • Medium: 140-170 fps

Tree Hell:

  • Ultra: 70-100 fps
  • Medium: 100-120 fps

Since I hate gate-keeping, Imma send the general guide rn and make a more detailed tutorial later.

Small Guide:

(Deleted old tutorial cause I massively overcomplicated it)

Basically, it’s just taking a normal tree, optimizing it as much as possible, then merging X of those trees into one resource like this:

So it looks like 4 trees, but only uses 1 resource object. It even works with different types of trees cause it’s just multiple tree game objects in one resource game object

There are some decently big downsides to this, though. Since it all uses 1 resource, you can either make it invincible or make the player be able to chop down like 4 trees at a time. That’s why I recommend to only use this trick for the deep parts of dense forests. For the outer parts, you should use normal trees so players can still have a proper experience.


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I dont see why you would do this, i get that optimization for unturned isnt very good but nothing you said made sense to me. Consider trying out gpu instancing on your materials for draw call optimization.

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I’ll test this out. If it’s good, I’d say to use this for imposters.

I don’t understand what doesn’t make sense to you. I basically just figured out that nodes are the #1 lagger of trees and found a way to use less of them with more trees. I most likely didn’t describe it the best though as I made this “tutorial” at like 2am

(Edit) Nvm, I overcomplicated it a lot. It’s basically just making a tree that is multiple trees in one game object

Already did this. Just didn’t mention it in this short guide


Redid the guide cause I massively overcomplicated it

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ahhh now i get it. Doesn’t that make it really hard to place them correctly on terrain thats not flat?

Batching is good for performance. Reduces draw calls.

Yeah. That’s one of the downsides. That’s why I’ve made multiple versions. I have an individual one, one with 4, one with 7, and one with 10.

Steeper terrain should have less density anyways