Trees (Resources) on tilt

Since there is a discussion about trees, I think it’s a great time to start yapping about one problem that, for someone, would not be that annoying, but for me, it is, and it hurts!

Did you notice that when you place any tree, vanilla, or custom, it is almost always tilted? Yeah, it’s a game feature and it has existed since the Unturned release I assume.

For me, as I love tall trees it looks odd when you trying to make a realistic forest.
I don’t deny that there’s no such thing in life, there is, but for some reason, there’s no function to regulate their tilt in-game.

While for chubby and small trees, it’s not that big a problem, for tall ones, it can be seen.

The fact that those trees on screenshots are on flat ground is still kind of tolerable. But on winding terrain, it would be much more challenging. You can certainly put the tree in the same spot until it stands upright without a significant tilt, but this process takes a lot of time.

If you have any questions or things to say, feel free to share them in comments.
I hope Nelson notices this.


also there are like half of options that don’t work for the resources in .asset files but included in vanilla assets and some options in .dat files only working in multiplayer for some reason, the trees are offset by default and it looks like the legacy id does practically nothing in resource.dat so we need a fullscale resources rework along with new models!!!


Fair point that it’s not currently configurable. I suspect the reason was that trees (still) don’t save their rotation - only their position - so it was a straightforward way to add some extra variation at the time.


Okay, will wait! However, I guess there is no tips or something you perhaps know except as I wrote to plant them on one place until it’s straight right?

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