Trophy Golden Skin for LDG tournament missing

Me and my friends had won Liams tournament on Elver, me and my friend Olimus had recieved our Trophy skins, yet Joydeath is still missing his golden Zubeknakov, he didn’t receive anything with an update
His steam ID is

Could you please look into this situation, he waited for month and a half for a skin and didn’t receive it, real bummer

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Hey, @LostAndLonely!

Looks like their username was included on the list Liam sent over, and it’s marked as having been successfully granted on our side. I’m not sure why they haven’t received it yet.

I’ll message Nelson, but they can also create a Support ticket here: The item already exists, so it should be easy to sort out.

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Thank you for your response, I’ll do that

Sorry for the trouble! Unsure why it didn’t go through but a new copy’s been sent out now. :slight_smile:

Joydeath’s Golden Zubeknakov


Sigma, thank you very much