This post is about how to improve turned movements and make it realistic and fun without making it too annoying. It’s a little short, so sorry about that. And also minus 1 point for my crappy english, but if you exactly understand what i mean, good job!
How is it currently?
Turneds right now spawn in three types: Normal, crawler or runner. You can’t shoot a normal turned’s leg and make it become a crawler turned. It has a simple AI. It’s less challenging, and too boring.
How to fix it?
1. Losing limbs
Drawing example (done in ms paint in 5 minutes, click for cringe)
Different health pools for each part of the body
Each part of the body will have different health pools, and when enough damage is dealt to that specific part of the body, it will be torn apart.Important note: The total damage dealt to these limbs will also be dealt to the turned’s general health (which i said as 100 hp) So if a turned has taken enough damage to head or body, the turned will die, with a death animation depending on how did it die.
We don’t need headless horsemen, sorry.
Turned having less/higher damage or faster/slower damage depending on limbs
This idea’s extremely simple. If a turned has lost one of its arms, it will deal 35% less damage than normal. If it has lost both, it will deal 70% less damage than normal.If a turned has lost one of its legs, it will become a crawler, being 25% slower than a normal turned. If it has lost both of its legs, it will have half the speed of a normal turned. However, crawlers will deal more damage than average.
- I agree with turneds losing limbs
- I partially agree with turneds losing limbs (comment why)
- I don’t agree with turneds losing limbs (comment why)
- Sorry, i misclicked. (null option)
0 voters
2. Different type of behaviour for turneds
More types of turned (no, no crazy stuff like flaming turned)
These turneds have the same chance of spawning as normal turneds, but it can be modifiable.1. Exhausted turned
This type of turneds move slow, and rather easy to take down. They deal a little less damage than normal turneds.
This type of turned may occur if multiple players have escaped its range multiple times without killing it, or it can naturally spawn.2. Enraged turned
This type of turneds move fast, and deal a little more damage than normal turneds. If a player has gotten close to this type, but manages to escape, this turned will become a running turned just like the one we have in 3.0 right now and chase the player until the player gets out of navigation range or it/the player dies. (can be modifiable) This type of turned has more chance of spawning at full moon event.
If an enraged turned is a crawler, when it gets close to the player, it will do a jump attack with its arms, dealing two times more damage than normal if it hits. -
Turneds roaming around
Instead of turneds being able to go anywhere in their range, they will be limited in a radius (where the middle is where they have spawned, and it can be modifiable when creating the map), where they can freely roam around, however they can’t go outside this radius unless they’ve been distracted by anything. I believe this is a good idea because it would not really be fun if turneds were randomly spread around, which means there is a chance some places can be empty and some places can be full of turneds.
- I agree with turneds having different behavior
- I partially agree with turneds having different behavior (comment why)
- I don’t agree with turneds having different behavior (comment why)
- Sry i misclicked again. (null option)
0 voters
3. Turned choosing different paths to the player
Right now, we have turneds choosing the closest path to the player just by walking. If a window is low enough, they will just pass through it. If it’s not, they will take the door. They got manners, at least.
Turneds choosing the closest path to the player
If a turned is close to a player but it is above, it will try to jump off wherever it is, risking fall damage for the sake of the closest path. However, if the turned knows it will lose 50% of its health by fall damage, it will not choose that path and look for a different path to the player. After the jump, the turned will have a small chance of falling, or slowing down for 2 seconds. If it lands directly onto player, it will deal 2 times more damage than a normal zombie attack.If a building is low enough (for example, at its height), the turned will try to climb up it to the player, which takes a time. If the player hits the turned while it’s climbing, the turned will fall off and stay knocked out for a few seconds.
If a window is low enough (for example, half of its height) instead of ignoring that path, the turned will try jumping through it. After the jump, the turned will have a small chance of falling, or slowing down for a second.
- I agree with turned choosing the best path to the player
- I partially agree with turned choosing the best path to the player (comment why)
- I don’t agree with turned choosing the best path to the player (comment why)
- Oops. (null option)
0 voters
End of the thread!
I have rushed making this thread (again) because i had limited time. If i made any spelling or grammar mistakes, or shared an extremely stupid idea, i’m sorry about that. I had this idea exactly 3 hours ago and i’ve been working on it for 2 hours, distracting myself with useless stuff. Don’t forget to share your opinion below!