So I have 2 ideas that would increase mod potential and open many more options.
These two are:
- Trap objects:
I got this idea while making a gate that can be opened using a winch, which I made so that you can open it by selecting the winch, but can’t open it by selecting the gate. It’s a drop down type of gate, like the one in the arena. And so what I thought of at that time was: "What if the part that drops down would be instead of the gate be a mashy spiky plate that would be on top of a ceiling and would drop down when the player would activate it the same way I did with the gate.
How I imagine it would work:
It’d work similar to the already existing animated gates, only that in this case in Unity you’d make a prefab called “Hazard” with a collision box representing the part which damages/kills the player when they get into its radius parented to the desired rig bone.
And in data file there could be something like “Damage:X” which would separate it from the non-lethal objects.
Positive sides of it: In Hawaii you can die just by standing near the volcano, because that’s where the lethal area (Forgot what it’s called, I don’t make maps) is set. Meanwhile this would allow for a more precise kill and players wouldn’t just accidentally walk into the instant-kill zone. Heck, I even died just by flying a helicopter over it.
-It’s use in minigames:
– Death runs:
—Type 1: There could be something like a laser field moving forward and a player would have to
run on a fixed path jumping over obstacles, going under them etc. And the goal there would be to dodge all the obstacles fast enough
—Type 2:
Player controlled death run: One person would have the role of activating the traps and would be in the control room. He/She would control the traps with the goal of killing the players who would try to get over it without dying. The players that would survive going through the entire path would win and if all the runners would die the controller would win. There could then be delay on those traps between uses (already exists) so that the controller in charge could activate each trap only like every minute- by this time the players would all already get over it. For example a mashy spiky plate drops down from the ceiling, this plate’s top surface if flat and the collider of the trap is only on the lower half of it. Meanwhile the players could walk on it’s entire surface-Whoever would get crushed by it would die, but after that the remaining survivors could jump on top of it and move towards the next obstacle. I got this idea from once playing a community death run map in TF2.
-Various uses: Deadly lasers in an abandoned facility, a tomb filled with mechanical traps that are activated when the player selects the wrong switch, movable death trap moving through a hallway that players have to avoid by running into the corridors placed on it, spinning saw blades, guillotine, and many more.
- Animations for vehicles
There are horses and various mounts in the workshop but none of them are really animated, which is because Unturned doesn’t allow for animation switch on vehicles. I mean as far as I know it’s possible to make an animated vehicle, but it would be animated both when active and inactive. And then decided whether you want a horse running while standing still or a horse that looks like it has wheels attached on the bottom of its hoof.
So my idea is that the animated vehicles would use 2 animations: ‘Active’ and ‘Idle’ in Unity.
And in the data file there could be a line ‘Animated’ to separate it from inanimate objects. The vehicle would then switch between the ‘Active’ and ‘Idle’ animations depending on their state- active when moving and ‘Idle’ when standing in place. I’m also thinking it’ be good to change the animation speed of the active animation depending on the vehicle’s speed. The animation could go like this: The max vehicle speed would represent maximum animation speed- 100% and depending on how fast it’d go so would the animation play-speed change. The calculation I have in mind is this:
Animation speed = Default animation speed*(Current vehicle speed/Maximum speed)
Well there could still be an option whether the designer wants to use this formula or not. I suggested it because I thought of a spider legged robot walking and always moving its legs with the same speed no matter its actual speed and that it would look weird, so I came up with this suggestion.
This would then allow for vehicles to be designed as legged robots and mounts. And although in case of mounts you’d still replenish them using fuel, but I think it would still be much better than those inanimate mounts.