That’s the issue. I think it’s more creative to design an illusion of having a celar than a physical room underground. Because if there is a way to add underground builds for the sake of realism, why stop there? There could be custom manipulation of altitude as well. It’s the same with graphics. Nowadays, AAA games are trying to recreate realism, but this doesn’t make games better (well, in my opinion, it should stay a game and not an alternate reality so you couldn’t differ anymore what’s real, so I don’t represent the general consent). Also, some people would still say there could be more realistic graphics. So there is no given limit, and that will probable cost more memory and money. That’s why I like simplistic looking games like Unturned. There is a set limit and you try to work with it. You have limited resources like polygons looking edgy and you try to replicate a reallife complex object as good as possible. We have minecraft working entirely with cubes, and it’s one of the most successful games out there. Other obstacles like
can be either solved by making underground structures or by creating some entrance that let you think you can enter. And since performance should be the best, I’d prefer the hatch as well. Who knows, maybe Nelson will find a way to make performance sparing underground features.
(Might plug my own suggestion into this thread, since I wrote about creating a fake hole for digging as well here: Shovel + metal detector suggestion - #8 by The_Berrie-Man)