Underwater Bases and Oxygen

I know this is planned: building bases underwater and then draining them with a pump, but since underwater bases would be significantly more difficult to raid than a counterpart on land, there should be another factor to balance it out: oxygen.

(Note that all values provided here are simply for reference only)

For the sake of something to relate to, let’s say there is a player in a 1x1 underwater, and the 1x1 is completely enclosed, airtight, and pumped dry. The 1x1 can hold a maximum of, say, 100 units of oxygen. The player would use up the oxygen in the room at a rate of, say, five units per second. However, by draining all the water in the room, there is nothing filling the room except what can basically be considered a vacuum.

In order to provide oxygen to breathe, the player can build, craft, and find various items and machinery to provide oxygen into the base.

This one should be a no-brainer. They provide oxygen at a rate of, say, 1 unit per second, meaning 5 plants should be enough to sustain 1 player in a 1x1 base.

Chlorate Candles
Burning these candles releases oxygen at a fixed rate of say, 10 units per second for 100 seconds, and they can be found in space-related locations.

Requires electricity to function, and separates water into hydrogen and oxygen. Releases oxygen at a rate of say, 10 units per second.


Plants can’t make oxygen without a direct sunlight. So maybe a glass roof would be ideal for this? Unless a “Full-spectrum cagelight” were to be added.

I never heard of those candles before. But I do believe that airliners. Or airports also have those. Also. 100 seconds? That’s fairly too low. 5-10 minutes should be ok.

Now the last one is what I had in mind. It’s kinda like an oxygenator. But I think you should add some risk otherwise it might be a clutch.

So I think, maybe those leftover hydrogens should add some… risks. Maybe there would be a cooldown for it and if you overheated it. It would explode.
Or maybe leftover gases will slowly decayed your base… comes to think about it that should be a feature. Not just for this case. On the land. Underwater… hmm…

damn another brainstorm

its better to allow pumping water from underwater buildings over than some unfitting numbo jumbo

I think instead of requiring the cagelight, it would produce instead of 1 unit, 2-4 unit per plant with a cage light?

You could salvage oxygen generator from airliners ( they have thoses ) to repair them and then, re use thoses.

Or just use pipes to get oxygen into the base… the most simple solution.

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