Unturned 2 traps and body parts

unturned 2 needs deathly boobie traps. It’s crucial to gameplay to be able to make electric doorknob where you connect a wire to a door handle and when you touch or open door it kills you instantly. It’s Imperative to put a tripwire next to stairs makes you fall and die instantly. putting hammers on some rope and tying it to the ceiling makes it so if the hammers are swinging they will cripple you. putting a rake on the ground and attaching an axe blade at the height of someone’s balls will make it so if you walk ingo the rake it will pop up and neuter you. fake grass could allow for a player to walk into a spikey pit. a shotgun trap above a door could make houses fun to explore. a chainsaw could be attached to the ceiling and walking over a tripwire could cause the chainsaw to surn on and chop you in half. keeping spare body parts would be needed to heal your player if you lose that body part. you would likely need a spare set of legs to attach to yourself in your medkit. some spare eyes could unblind your player if their eyes fall out. if you get neutered you lose all your exp and skills, so you would need to find your balls. depending on size, they could only store limited exp. you could steal other player’s kidneys just as you would steal a battery from a car. just pop the hood and you’re there. I think this would improve the healing system in unturned. also you can upgrade your body to have more pockets, bigger size, and facial density. if you eat too much fatty foods, you’ll become a fatass with no life and will require a mobility scooter that can be found at your local big j grocier aka wall mart. you could also die of a hypokinetic disease or be blind, deaf, and scuicidal. being fit and farming food would make you into a chad with mucles. your hands can be used as a carjack. you have night vision. your ears become walkie talkies and your weaponms do twice the damage. this is my idea for unturned i hope you like it if so please reccomendations in the comments below. thanks fo reading, see ya!


Recategorized to #community-lounge:memes

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traps, you say?
the fun kind or the fun kind?


I hope this is a meme but at the same time I really hope it isn’t so I don’t look dumb (also was responding to this before the category change)

Instant kill traps should be very limited and able to be played around.

For starters, I fail to see how it is “crucial to gameplay” or “imperative” or would “make houses fun to explore”. Instant kills that punish you for exploring, especially ones that are hard to detect, are not good for gameplay. A great way to make your players feel disinterested in your game is by introducing instant kill mechanics with little to no counterplay that punish you for simply playing the game.
Therefore, any trap that does instantly kill needs to be pretty visible. At the same time, I’m totally ok with a larger buff to traps such as the ones we have in 3.0, but they certainly shouldn’t be instant kills.

Non-lethal traps or traps that aren’t an instant kill should be easier to hide and hit players with.

On the flipside, traps that either deal little damage or do some other effect, such as messing with vision, should be easier to hide.
This strikes a better balance, ensure that traps are viable and have their uses, but never completely kill a player on their own.


I want to be able to craft body part totems and have a storage full of body parts.

I’ve been asking map makers to have a mini fridge with a decomposed body in it but no one wants to implement it.

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claymore roomba

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Bro that would make a great movie!

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paul blart mall cop but the whole movie was ruined by me

  • yarrrr is paul blart and works minimum wage
  • he rides a roomba which is equipped with 32,767 tons of explosives
  • don’t mess with his mall
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