Unturned, Welcome to Belgium!

Welcome to Belgium!

Belgium is the next large curated map coming to Unturned today April 5th, 2019! Made by myself, Putin3d, Wolf_Maniac, and Cyllek. The map is timed and is planned for 1 month curation at the time of this post.

Explore through active waterways, climb up cliff faces, walk through forests, and scavenger through various towns and locations spread out throughout the map!

Belgium includes a few new features never before seen on other maps. One of them being Electric Vehicles, with fast acceleration and no fuel cost. There’s more to be seen than just that however.

If you have any feedback, questions, or thoughts about the map, please feel free to leave some in the comments once you’ve played it today! Thanks everyone!


Why is Belgium Washington 2?


Nice, was it staying until May 5th?

can someone post the gps map here pl0x, i am away from pc


edit: fuck

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Well, he has both now.


Welcome to flipped Russia!

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that’s my country lol

Welcomed to flipped france

Canyon Arena: No end-date
Belgium: Only one month


canyon arena good


Our bridge is better hAH

i think you misspelled worse

how do you fuck up spelling “the world’s shittiest imitation of pure glory” that badly

I think its a fine map it kind of reminds me the antique unturned 1.1 map it has its own “secrets”, guns, NPCs, vehicles just like any other map its really just a curated map to keep players come and play the game till Nelson finishes 2.0 or till there will be a new map so it can be removed and remembered as hey i played on that map…
I really tried to enjoy the map but it really didn’t work out it might be the same places that every other map has or I just the fact that every time you die or doesn’t you have to run miles to get from one place to another and it just feels boring till you get in a fight. I don’t know maybe it’s just the game’s atmosphere its just getting old

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2.0 was released in Steam in 2014, he is working on II rn
2.0 =/= II.

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das a lot of rocks

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