Unturned 4.x Devlog #002

Devlog #002

Post your thoughts here!


Maybe reduce how much the string on the hoodie wiggles.



The Matrix 2019 Remake Leaked Image



Hell yeah. Everything looks really neat, except for the massive detail gap between the gun and the character model.

Also, can you do weight painting on the model. It helps smooth the animation.

@Whistleblower Eaglefire is now an M4A1 officially? :Y I’m the cool kid, gimme your lunch money, #whateverpeoplesaynow! ???


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Zubeknakov is still better

Dear god the character model. Whats with the left side of his back when holding a gun? He has spaghetti legs when crouching. Most things don’t make sense on the character. Please change it back. Learn anatomy and stuff. Humans who aren’t alien shapeshifters have joints


Sweet Jesus he fixed the Picatinny rails aw YISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

And I’m loving the Attachment/Gun poly now. Keep it up. Only complaint I got is to make the bullet trails super saturated. Nearly Translucent I guess instead of bright yellow-white lines flying around, more of a tint the bullet gives while it’s flying.

I really hope those shot tracers were just a stub… Sure they look fantastic but it’s one hell of a way to let people know your position when you’re firing…
[whisper] and its obviously unrealistic, what we have a laser rifle now? :V

  1. I see no bran cereal.
    Petition to Bring Back Bran Cereal?
    97% of voters said yes to bring back bran cereal.
    Just going to assume you’re saving it for when you showcase food.

  2. This is probably unfinished but i’ll judge you on it anyways.
    Why do the casings unload vertically? Yes, i know it’s unturned

  3. This is probably unfinished but i’ll judge you on it anyways. [2]
    The joints, nobody in the world jumps like that (because it’s not possible to, try jumping without moving your legs, almost no height achieved.) and when i go prone irl i don’t just form into a plank and slide onto the ground, especially on a concrete floor but on dirt it’s ok.
    And that diving brb trying diving irl painful and i almost lost my pants, all free hands could lower to ““shield the player/terminator”” from the fall too and legs could be bent downwards.

  4. The 5.56x45 bullets are subsonic, yes this is unturned but i love myself some realism.

  5. That’s a nice clean inventory GUI, nice job Nelson.
    pls make nelson’s hoodie mythical quest item

  6. That weapon spread when aiming down sights compared to hip fire is ludicrously more accurate, if you’re going to do that at least make the gun sway?
    this is unturned, not real life they say

Nelson’s character looks extremely similar to Marty Mcfly from Back to The Future.

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Not going to lie, your new hoodie was the best part for me. Since actual hair is in now too, curious to see a hat with hair under it, because I have wicked priorities on wants and needs.

Character looks like he lost some leg muscle since last time tho’.

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you’re an illegal immigrant

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Guns are a little too high poly for my liking. Doesnt really fit with the character.

Character model looks good, but a little less wiggle on those sweatshirt strings.

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on a more serious note…
i couldn’t quite tell when you were sliding in first person as it wasn’t so much a slide as it was a low hop, but it certainly works.
the diving, on the other hand, is…INCREDIBLY wacky. funny and it’s functional, but suddenly springing up higher in the air then your character is tall and gently floating to the ground is…just a bit odd. it might be a good thing to lower the height you get from a dive.

also yeah the rails make the gun look almost out of place. it looks better then before, but i would’ve gotten rid of the rail on top instead of adding them around the handguard.
then again player models are getting layered clothing, so i guess that offsets the difference between players and weapons well enough.

also i still want an aimpoint.
you know you want it
tl;dr: a bit odd, but that’s kind of what unturned is. it’s great. also

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I think the arms should be made more skinny tbh. I still see them as the 3.0 sized hands rather than the 2.0 hands. Otherwise this looks pretty nice!

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i think he DID make the limbs THINNer, but the THICCness of the clothes makes it difficult to see.
that said, the clothes are REALLY THICC. like, one shirt is about as THICC (i’m gonna stop) as a hoodie with a shirt under it, and with the hoodie it’s like a goddamned parka.

The limbs look noticeably thinner, especially those legs. The clothing makes it look better imo, although the hoodie’s thickness might be decreased to accommodate for stuff like bulletproof vests being worn over a hoodie & t-shirt.


i like how the clothes have thickness, but imho they’re just a bit TOO thick.