Unturned is crashing whenever i try to load it and a error message came up telling me to send a message to the developer
It would be helpful if you sent the crash log, rather than just saying you have a crash log to send.
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how exactly would i do that… im sorry im not experienced in this
The crash log is in the Unturned folder.
It’ll be labeled with the dates that it crashed on.
MoltenMontro is there a way i can private message you?
click his name, then press message.
i do not see a message option i only see the wiki link badges and their bio
should be the top right, colored blue. Or you might need to spend more time on the forum
it says i have no more messages
you could just paste it in a google doc, then post a link to that doc here.
er well, theres a text document. paste that in the doc.