Autocannon 3061
Banshee 3036
Carabine 3002
Chester 3080
Corsican 3039
Extended_Masterkey 3012
Flamethrower 3056
Focus_Carbine 3095
Focus_DMR 3094
Focus_Prototype 3116
Focus_Rifle 3093
Fusilette 3023
Genaugewehr 3041
Heavy_Crossbow 3100
Hecate 3049
Hecate_Unique 3072
Herstal 3052
Insurgent_Gun 3058
Karus 3111
Kestrel 3008
Kriegs 3108
Military_Launcher 3087
Monsieur 3078
Musket 3005
Musket_Quest 3007
Rattlesnake 3033
Rhino 3045
Rubicon 3026
Sagaie_Cannon 3059
SingleShot_12 3014
Train_LMG 3077
Twin_Autocannon 3075
Vanguard 3043 -
APC_France: 172
Armored_Train: 721
Compact_Black: 730
Compact_Blue: 731
Compact_Green: 732
Compact_Orange: 733
Compact_Purple: 734
Compact_Rally_A: 738
Compact_Rally_B: 739
Compact_Red: 735
Compact_White: 736
Compact_Yellow: 737
Hind_France: 174
Huey_France: 175
Insurgent_Black: 717
Insurgent_Olive: 718
Insurgent_Red: 719
Insurgent_Tan: 720
Jeep_France 170
Maelstrom 703
Renault_Black 704
Renault_Blue 705
Renault_Green 706
Renault_Orange 707
Renault_Purple 708
Renault_Red 709
Renault_White 710
Renault_Yellow 711
Renegade_Black 713
Renegade_Olive 714
Renegade_Red 715
Renegade_Tan 716
Sagaie 702
Speed_Boat 712
Speed_Boat_Military 740
Stomper 701
Tank_France 173
Thrasher 700
Ural_France 171
Vespa_Black 722
Vespa_Blue 723
Vespa_Green 724
Vespa_Orange 725
Vespa_Purple 726
Vespa_Red 727
Vespa_White 728
Vespa_Yellow 729 -
France_Military_Rucksack 3082
France_Military_Alicepack 3083
Ghillie_Backpack_France 3118
ok… thank you. Now i can fulfill what i wanted to do…
Even more sci-fi weapons…
Ctrl+F France for France section of Items in the main list
EDIT: The main vehicles list also has France content listed
1 Like
anyone know the real life variants of the guns?
Sorry to flex on y’all but I’ve seen those way before y’all did
Les barrels:
- Heavy_Crossbow_Barrel 3102
- Rattlesnake_Barrel 3034
La barricade:
- Cheese_Wheel 3071
- BlueprintNapalm 3090
- Baguette 3084
- RULA_Bar 3117
- Shake_Grip 3103
- Extended_Masterkey_Barrels 3013
- Stale_Baguette 3085
- Stale_Baguette_Sawnoff 3086
- Ghillie_Vest_France 3107
- GIGN_Vest 3066
- GIGN_Vest_Dark 3067
- Military_Vest_France 3019
France Guns:
- Rubicon - FR F2
- Fusilette - Famas Felin
- Vanguard - Benelli M4
- Herstal - FN FAL
- Rhino - M60 machine gun
- Hecate - PGM Hecate II
- Military Launcher - SMAW
- Carabine - MAS 36
- Kestrel - M1 Carbine
- Monsieur - loosely based on french historical revolvers lol idk which one
- Corsican - USP 45
- Banshee - MP7
- Rattlesnake - MP5SD
- Genaugewehr - HK416
- Chester - based off of Winchester Model 1897
- Kriegs - based off of G3
- Karus - DP28
What’s wrong with that?
thanks this is gunna help me with my gucci
Are you kidding me. I need to use the forums more often. Before making a video I just looked at all of the files and wrote them all down. Know I know how people do it so fast xD