"Unturned Has A Map Problem" - Manoman

Overgrown 3+ is an above average map, I feel like a lot of people look at it with rose tinted glasses due to it being a revolutionary map for the time. It still holds up well today, but is not “really good”.

it’s really good. Maybe not up to “Curated Standards” but some maps like Carpat barely surpassed those. If you saw Overgrown 3+ with its own custom objects and assets then it would surpass a lot of curated maps we’ve seen.


idk why workshop maps tend not to make their own assets. It’s just as easy to make objects as it is to make compound so why not just make compound objects but in blender

It’s not easy for everyone to learn 3D modeling and Unity enough to make Unturned content in a snap.
It’s easier to slap 2 coolers together and called it a coolest object.

And with the state of how Unturned’s Modding community is, it usually took about 1-2 days to get something figured between beginners and experienced modder. (No diss to those who are helping, just speaking from several experiences.) Aren’t helping it either.

And one cannot learn to make a “compound objects” in blender without learning to make something new in blender. Even if it’s a cube with no texture.

Now make me a corpse sandwich.

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:yum: :yum: :yum: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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This video is titled “Unturned has a map problem”. I’ll start off by saying some stuff he says in this video has been talked about before on the forum, but this video has some points that I don’t think have been talked about before (like unique features per map).
Let me know what you think.

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wow that’s so cool! that video really opened my eyes… shame nobody posted it to the forums before… :roll_eyes:


What are you trying to say?

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I was just trying to introduce the video without spoiling it.

Jeez I’m sorry, alright? I posted this in a separate thread originally. I’ll double check next time.

Personally I think a better quest system would be great for the game, as it would deviate from the common / repetitive farming of loot from a military base to gain the best loot. But instead you would have to work your way up, not being able to survive in certain areas without certain skill levels and such.

I as a map maker have tried using the current NPC system to try and achieve something like this, but there still is a possibility for player to skip the leveling aspect and head straight to a military base to gain the highest tier loot. The only thing currently in the game stopping players just managing to reach all destinations instantaneously is the deadzones, which then are still easy to reach just by grabbing a gas mask.

So a suggestion would be to allow for difficulties and properties of zombie values in more detail, allowing for content creators like myself to make it harder to level up through the game. Meaning people would require guns to take on places like a military base or bunker, rather than the current standard of people rushing in with a melee weapon such as a chainsaw or knife.

oh man oh man oh man

The map ideas in these videos look super fun and if one of them became like a really popular workshop map, or actually in the game, i’d probably pick up unturned again

edit: ok so after reading spebby’s comment about how the maps are flawed
I think a good way to fix metropila and highway 51 could be fixed by making it possible to survival indepdentally from loot you find in houses, camps, etc, making a wood bow could prove to be really useful against someone who’s camping in the city/highway.

Isles of agony provides an archipelago experience in which I think is amazing, you would just need to make all the islands equally worth travelling too. One island has X but doesn’t have Y
another island has Y but doesn’t have X A deadzone island has both X and Y
These resources could be pivotal in developing a base so players would be forced to explore them.

I think water world instead of being like subanautica, it could be like the game raft.

Worlds apart could probably work if the server had like a forced group plugin where you join and there’s 2 teams. and each team play normal survival and have friendly fire off.

Unfortunately the problem of griefers is pretty big so moderation and adding a new codelock system would help a lot.

(code lock to room with important raiding gear, only trusted members have access too)

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