I couldn’t find the link posted anywhere here, so just for posterity here it is. This time it’s more of a pseudo devlog, but hey, enjoy your break Nelson!
I would post a picture of Nelson lounging on a beach in Hawaii but my editing skills are pretty bad
I had been curious why I had seen you playing other games the other day, cause I had been used to seeing a constant barrage of “SDGNelson has started playing ‘Unturned’”, heh. For sure enjoy yourself and relax. Getting burnt out is no fun, I know the feeling.
Your description of burnout is pretty accurate for such a young person. Have been an engineer for 25 years now and THAT is what burn-out is like. No motivation, cannot get enough sleep, productivity tanks, focus tanks, everything tanks.
Of course make time for some leisurely gaming but consider this…
Take some time. Breathe. Clear your head. Consider doing this outdoors…anyplace you cannot hear cars, people, or anything not nature. Fish, or take some binoculars and look at wild life…or even a magnifying glass. Even if its only day or 1/2 day. Just make sure you have absolutely nothing to do afterwwards…no time contraints at all.