Hello, it is I.
Excuse my lack of posting,
For I’ve been busy staying alive.
I came up with this suggestion,
Because hitboxes are a thing beyond question.
I would also like to say,
That if the hitboxes were only 3 multipliers,
That’d be cliche.
There should be at least 5 hitboxes with a damage multiplier each,
The head, the arms, the torso and feet.
Torso being 1.1 and head being 1.2,
And 0.7… being the gloves and shoes.
The chest should be a simple 1,
So that we can test out the new guns.
0.85 should be the forearm and thighs,
And that is how my suggestion is finalized.
If you have anything you want to change or add,
Please correct me without getting mad,
For I am a mere human with mistakes and a shitty balancing mindset,
But until next time, happy hunting, comrade
U3’s multipliers are very confusing and they are only 3 hitboxes
Head, body, limbs.
Limbs taking 0.5, body being 0.8 (or 0.9), and head being 1.1
There has to be something with a multiplier of 1 so we can do tests when it comes to new guns and armor. Because as of now, we are lucky that the files are super easy and simple to read. Giving us the base damage.
This would make testing much easier and eliminate any extra decimal numbers.
You could argue that my head multiplier could be a little too much and so is the torso, but those were mostly for theatricality.
I want the torso to take more damage both because of realism (vital unprotected organs) and because I liked the idea from CSGO
good idea to have the torso take more damage to compensate for lost headshots.
but i don’t think we need unique values for each limb, the only reason anybody hits those parts are because of bad aim or aimcone and adding too many variables will make the combat seem random or broken because people never fully understands how it works
They may be confusing but they allow more freedom to creators, setting values in stone only because someone is too lazy to multiply couple numbers is a straight dumb idea. I don’t see why pistols and sniper rifles would need to share a headshot damage multiplier, it would be just ridiculous.
Also there is four multipliers currently: leg, arm, spine and skull. leg and arms share the same value on everything vanilla so it may not be noticed but it is there and I’m glad for that as it provides more freedom (also it’s 0.6 on legs/arms).
This is a peculiar and limiting idea and has no place in this game. It would be a straight downgrade in customisability when compared to 3.0.
Head hitbox should be far higher, you should be rewarded for getting headshots, not for spraying at your target. Also, as Ren said the numbers should change. Would be cool to see some guns deal far more damage on headshot so it has a risk and reward type relationship attatched to it.
The head is still getting hit whether with a pistol or a sniper. The only difference is the raw damage and the armor penetration on each gun. Pistols will generally have bad armor penetration in contrast to sniper rifles. If you include that along with raw damage, you’ll see what I mean. Because having a multiplier for each gun seperately will be time-consuming for Nelson.
Which is why I counted them as 1 multiplier.
But here I added thighs and biceps to have their own multiplier because simply having 1 hitbox for all limbs is boring.
Also, I wanted one of the multipliers to be 1 so that calculation when testing won’t be as difficult when you start to factor in different variable such as distance, armor and gun quality. This will simply help eliminate decimals to an extent. That way, players will have to test things out which automatically gives Youtubers more content to explain instead of “Yeah, the numbers are right there in the files. Go check them”.
Not only that, but most games have very complex files with thousands of lines of code. In 3.0, it’s super easy because the raw damage is right there, but when you have clusters of files on top of each other, it wont be as easy. Not only that, it also saves time (for Nelson and our PCs, let it be 0.001 sec) and effort on Nelson’s part. There’s really no reason for adding an extra calculation
That is all Im saying.
i don’t think explaining away your choice for a 1x multiplier on certain body parts by saying “its easier to test new guns” is a very good idea.
also you imply that having different multipliers per weapon is useless, but consider a scenario where pistols have higher headshot damage to make them more useful and snipers have less headshot damage to stop 1 shot kills then there could be a use for dynamic multipliers.
saying that it would be a waste of time is dumb, in the end nelson spends heaps of time working on things that people might not even notice, spending an hour writing in different values for each gun is probably one of the least time consuming things in the weapon development timeline
Making pistols have a higher headshot multiplier will simply make them overpowered. There are countless other ways to make them viable without changing the damage stats. Pistols aren’t supposed to be chosen for their damage otherwise everyone would run around with pistols considering they’re faster, safer, and take much less space.
Again, we can simply lower the base damage of a sniper, that, or lower the armor penetration on them to make pistols better against armed players. However, there is no way that a simple 9mm will do similar damage to a Beowolf or a .308 to the head. As I said, we could lower the raw damage to prevent 1 shot headshots on snipers.
Pistols can be worked around, like having the ability to sprint and shoot, reload faster, shoot faster, easily crafted ammo, less recoil and many more ways to make them more viable.
The one big thing that makes pistols useless in 3.0 isn’t the damage. It’s the rate of fire.
Being a semi-auto weapon, the gun should fire as fast as you click the button. But as of now, if you click about 6 times in 1 second, the game will only register about 2 shots die to the painfully low fire rate. Unless the gun was full auto.
i don’t know why you decided to ignore all of my arguments and instead pick apart an example that was completely detached from my argument but it was kinda pointless
now with that out of the way let me defend an idea i spent five minutes coming up with.
Having pistols do more headshot damage would make them actually useful against higher tier weapons and add a layer of skill to the early game because you would actually go for headshots instead of aiming center mass and praying, while the higher tier weapons would become easier to use with all round good damage.
Cartridge size has nothing to do with this anyway, its not relevant to the discussion of balance.
lastly, i never said that pistols should do more damage than sniper rifles to the head, i said that the pistols should simply just be better at headshots than body shots compared to the rifles that would still deal more headshot damage but deal less relative to body shots.
TLDR: stop cherry picking arguments that don’t serve the overall discussion and don’t assume i want the cobra to do more headshot damage than the grizzly
This is one of the best hitbox ideas I’ve seen so far. I have talked a lot about this topic with a friend of mine, but this idea feels like it would give a better experience. For me at least.