Unturned ON XBOX & PS4 SOON!

that’s good to hear, when i saw ingame currency and mythical items in leaked footage i was pretty concerned as to how they’ll be obtained

i think it doesn’t really help that 505 and funlabs are apparently being very tight-lipped about the game - there’s still a lot we don’t know about and we’re just over a week until release

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There are actually all the Unturned Maps in it, even Cyprus ( Witch is not in the game anymore , just on Workshop ).

I’ll happily accept this port in any shape or form it comes to fruition in if cross-platform play was a thing. I feel like that’s too hopeful considering the visible changes they’ve made so far, but it’d be a welcome feature by all means.

Fuck 505. Why Nelson, of all the companies why them.

Trailer looks like shit


Alright maybe not that shit but everything looks smooth and plastic

when were NDAs instituted?

Will this console version take a different turn with content updates than the pc version? Because there isn’t a workshop meaning people won’t be able to download new content which in turn means people are limited to what already exists. How could they possible expand this game?

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Anyone who played during insider beta were under NDA. This applies to all games under insider beta.

EDIT: To clarify, for those who are still confused – the video was uploaded by someone who has breached their agreement.

but i wasnt in the insider beta?

Oh wait fuck me i understand now

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The trailer looks like a Mafia City ad.



dont mind me
just casually walking through an object

I have examined this trailer so many times to notice all the fuck ups in it
and trust me
there is alot of fuck ups

Another clipping error i found


Ok, how much control did nelson have on the console version? This trailer looks to be shat out in a day, and we all wondered why they asked we don’t record/share footage of the closed beta.


Underrated comment

Kil your first Zombie! : UNLOCKED RAINBOW TIE.

idk, the “battle-pass” esc. progression for cosmetics seems alright, but 25$??? It is not even going to be crossplay, and the one on PC is free. I can literally buy ARMA 3, a pay-to-win DLC for it, and play the DAYZ mod for cheaper than that. I am getting some Fallout 76 vibes.

imo this port isn’t “canon.”


Solid choice


Yeah, but at least this was 505 and cabela-labs and not technically SDG


I know nelson is just vibing.

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