Играю в unturned уже месяц, читы не использую, и даже скачивать их не умею!
Два дня назад купил голд статус, играю в пвп, играю потом выключаю компьютер, отхожу на два часа опять сажусь играть и тут you are banned from multiplayer!
Помогите хоть кто-нибудь!
We need someone who speaks this language.
BattlEye bans are permanent and any support requests for an appeal are only looked at if there is proof that you did not hack. They are not controlled by the game developer, so don’t post about them here.
VAC Bans are permanent and non-negotiable. Don’t post about them anywhere. The game developer cannot help you, and Steam Support cannot help you.
Server bans are controlled by the server’s owner. Don’t post about them here. Contact the server’s administrative team, or the server owner.
Directly from Google Translate:
“I have been playing unturned for a month now, I don’t use cheats, and I don’t even know how to download them!
Two days ago I bought gold status, I play pvp, I play, then I turn off the computer, I leave for two hours again, I sit down to play and here you are banned from multiplayer!
Help at least someone!”
As Molton’s reply would have you believe, he was banned but he wasn’t specific on what kind of ban he had
я играла и мне прилетает бан читов не было я играла отошла на 1 час и тут бан всё можно проверится
Can you join any other server?
If so, it’s a server ban. If not, it’s a VAC ban.
Like Molton said, this isn’t the place to report it.
Damn, this post was made 2 yrs ago
Oh damn lol